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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
March 20th, 2023 - The 3 Holy Feast Seasons
March 20th, 2023 - Revelation 13
March 20th, 2023 - Lost in the 7 Gentile Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023 - The 8 Biblical Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023
The Bible study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior
May the Lord Jesus Christ be honored by our devotions, our study and in our fellowship. May all the people be blessed and grow in the grace and knowledge of the love and presence of God our creator and our savior. – Amen!
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God – How long has God existed? There is a dimension in which time does not exist, timelessness/eternity – God has existed from eternity – Before God created the physical universe He thought about you and provided for your redemption – Jesus was crucified for us before the foundation of the world [Revelation 13:8] – In John 1:1 we also read “In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word [Jesus] was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was God”
Note: In the beginning God ... God is upfront and open about His existence, about who He is, about His availability to us and about why He has created us [for His pleasure - Revelation 4:11]. The Bible is about God, the Bible is about mankind and the Bible is about God's special, ordained and unique relationship He has with all of mankind. It is therefore the opportunity and the ability of each individual human to acknowledge God and to enter into that special childlike relationship that mankind is intended to have with God. A relationship that God has thoughtfully and diligently provided for each of us in a relationship that is recorded for us in the scripture verses on the pages of His Holy Bible.
Bible verse: John 8:12-19 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I Am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life … {The complete Bible is available at}
John 8:12-19 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I Am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. The Pharisees therefore said unto Him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true. Jesus answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of Myself, yet My record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man [physically]. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true [spiritual]: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent Me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I Am one that bear witness of Myself, and the Father that sent Me beareth witness of Me. Then said they unto Him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know Me, nor My Father: if ye had known Me, ye should have known My Father also. -- Holy Bible [link] An Eight Part Article Introduction – The 7 physical and spiritual realms as unfolded in the 7 Days of the Genesis creation model {the 8th realm being God’s realm of unrestricted eternity}
Coming Soon the Basic Christian Article: Who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20) is a higher multidimensional being. Melchizedek exists outside of our own human time and space dimensions (restrictions). Humans exist in and are limited to the first three physical dimensions (length, height, width) and also the fourth dimension (restriction) of time. The spiritual realm of demons, angels and in part the coming Antichrist exists in the less restricted 5th and 6th dimensions. In fact the coming Antichrist is going to bring down or "contact" the 5th and 6th dimensions and infuse 4th dimensional human beings with 5th dimensional demons [Nephilim spirits] and 6th dimensional fallen [Satanic] angelic spirit beings consequently orchestrating 5th and 6th dimensional miracles and signs and wonders in order to deceive mankind. So who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek is the manifestation of the infinite dimensional (infinite dimensions - no restrictions - unrestricted) God in Person. Melchizedek is God the Holy Spirit in Person. Melchizedek is the Order of the Holy Spirit Priesthood. -- Note: In the Basic Christian article "Who is Melchizedek?" the 8 dimensions (restrictions) are listed in conjunction with the original creation week (Genesis 1:1-2:4) and are categorized as follows: 1. Length [Day one creation - light separated [Judgment] (length) from darkness] 2. Height [Day two creation - divided the waters above from the waters below] 3. Width [Day three creation - dry land and plants] 4. Time [Day four creation - sun, moon, stars for times and seasons] 5. Demonic - demons [Day five creation - fish from the waters below, birds from the waters above] 6. Angelic - Holy Angels and also Satan with all of his fallen angels [Day six creation - land animals and humans (pre-fall) - humans the highest part of creation created separate and above the animals and equal to the angels but with sin mankind fell from the 6th dimension to the 4th dimension, in fact with the sin of mankind all of creation also fell from its original creation status] 7. Human Salvation redeemed by the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ [Day seven creation - Rest] 8. Unrestricted [outside of creation] - The only Unrestricted, Eternal, Wise, ∞ Infinite, Almighty God consisting of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. -- Genesis 2:4 These are the generations [dimensions] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens ... [link]
Dr. John Morris Institute for Creation Research – Evidence for Creation
Institute for Creation Research (ICR) equips believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework. [link]
Highly Recommended!!! — Creation Seminar Boxed Set, 8 DVDs – This new boxed set is the 2007 edition of the seminar! ($89.95)
Dr. Hovind's Creation Seminar Series is his most popular set of videos, capturing the attention of all, young and old alike. God has used his fast-paced, fully illustrated seminar to bring thousands of people closer to Him. This 17-hour series comes on eight DVDs and is frequently updated to provide the most current information available. This new boxed set is the 2007 edition of the seminar! The set includes the Seminar Notebook and the Seminar Workbook on CD-ROM. A total savings of $43.10! [link] Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky (Book)
Comments: Velikovsky compiled this huge list of catastrophic data in answer to one of the foolish criticisms of 1950's "Worlds In Collision" -- that it relied on 'tales and stories'. Catastrophists often rely on bits and pieces from this book, perhaps indirectly, but nowhere else can they all be found, except perhaps for William Corliss' catalogs and sourcebooks. The only thing that has happened since "Earth In Upheaval" was published in 1955 is that even more evidence has emerged along with even more outlandish rationalizations and apologia for uniform "explanations". While this 19th century delusional system perishes, its grip on power has slipped away. Catastrophism triumphs everywhere, even in the consideration of celestial disasters in historical times. In 1960 the Chicxulub crater was discovered by PEMEX. In 1970 someone first suggested that the dinosaurs went extinct due to an impact. In 1972 impact was shown to be the dominant force on the lunar surface. In 1980 the Alvarez team suggested it again, supporting their view with the iridium found at the K-T boundary layer. Others found similar iridium in other boundary layers. By 1990 the Chicxulub crater finally came to the attention of the impact theorists. Impact wasn't the fully accepted consensus until the 1994 impacts of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's fragments into Jupiter. The text has the same ease and command of Velikovsky's other books, and I found it to be a pleasure to read 20 plus years ago. I highly recommend it, particularly for those considering other books. There is still a great deal of ill-temper, hostility, and ignorance regarding Velikovsky's works, and these often take the form of a single dismissive sentence or paragraph. Living writers seem to go out of their way to dump on him, and this is particularly true among fringe authors. See also Velikovsky's other works (new and used), David Rohl's "Pharaohs and Kings", Peter James' "Centuries of Darkness", Ryan and Pitman's "Noah's Flood", Mary Settegast's "Plato Prehistorian", and Robert Schoch's "Voices of the Rocks". ... I have read this book as well as others by this author and found it fascinating, well researched. It does challenge established science. Strict guidelines have to be followed when emitting a theory; Mr. Velikovsky seems to have done just that even though his detractors find him sensationalistic to say the least. However, science has to be challenged. That is how new discoveries are made, quite often, at the expense of the scientist's career, especially if he goes against the grain of accepted theories or so called "known facts". Unfortunately, Sciences' motives are not always as pure as one would want to believe. Scientists are human, therefore fallible and like everybody else, they like to protect their turf. [link]
Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith – As a true pioneer of the alternatives to evolutionary theory, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith fearlessly confronted the seemingly all-powerful theory of evolution in universities and churches all over the world (Mp3s)
A..E. Wilder-Smith studied natural sciences at Oxford, England. He received his first doctorate in Physical Organic Chemistry at Reading University, England, 1941. During World War II, he joined the Research department of ICI in England. After the war, he became Countess of Lisburne Memorial Fellow at the University of London. Subsequently, Dr. Wilder-Smith was appointed Director of Research for a Swiss pharmaceutical company. Later he was elected to teach Chemotherapy and Pharmacology at the Medical School of the University of Geneva for which position he received his "habitation" (the senior examination required for professorial appointments to European continental universities). At Geneva, he earned his second doctorate, followed by a third doctorate from the ETH (a senior university in Switzerland) in Zurich. -- In 1957-1958 Wilder-Smith was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Medical Centre of the University of Illinois, 1959-1961 Visiting Full Professor of Pharmacology of the University of Bergen Medical School in Norway. After a further two years at the University of Geneva, he was appointed Full Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Illinois Medical Centre. Here he received in three succeeding years - three ``Golden Apple Awards" for the best course of lectures, together with four senior lecturer awards for the best series of year lectures. Dr. Wilder-Smith's last Golden Apple award was inscribed, "He made us not only better scientists, but also better men." [link]
‘Evolution Cruncher’ PDF e-Book This is the original edition of this book (PDF)
Evolutionary theory has ruined the lives of millions. This book will help eliminate its grip over the minds of those who read it. WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH THIS BOOK - GIVE IT to every young person you know. Share a copy with everyone you meet. It is needed everywhere. Let's win the world back from the deadly effects of evolution. Give boxfuls to church schools, academies, and churches to distribute. [link]
Photo of Fossil Footprints: shows how the dinosaur impression affected the human footprint when it (dinosaur) stepped into it (human footprint) – the stone’s impressions indicate that the human stepped first, the dinosaur second (Photo)
A closer view of the 'Alvis Delk Cretaceous Footprint' gives a closer view of the two prints, and shows how the dinosaur impression affected the human footprint when it stepped into it. Courtesy of David Lines / Creation Evidence Museum. / Mineral Wells Index. Order photo reprints. [link]
Rock-solid proof? A discovery by a former Mineral Wells resident might hold proof man and dinosaur walked the Earth together – Baugh said he believes both sets of prints (human and dinosaur) were made “within minutes, or no more than hours of each other” about 4,500 years ago, around the time of Noah’s Flood – He said the clay-like material that the human and dinosaur stepped in soon hardened, becoming thick, dense limestone common in North Texas – the stone’s impressions indicate that the human stepped first, the dinosaur second (Photos)
A slab of North Texas limestone is on track to rock the world, with its two imbedded footprints poised to make a huge impression in scientific and religious circles. The estimated 140-pound stone was recovered in July 2000 from the bank of a creek that feeds the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas, located about 53 miles south of Fort Worth. The find was made just outside Dinosaur Valley State Park, a popular destination for tourists known for its well-preserved dinosaur tracks and other fossils. The limestone contains two distinct prints - one of a human footprint and one belonging to a dinosaur. The significance of the cement-hard fossil is that it shows the dinosaur print partially over and intersecting the human print. In other words, the stone's impressions indicate that the human stepped first, the dinosaur second. If proven genuine, the artifact would provide evidence that man and dinosaur roamed the Earth at the same time, according to those associated with the find and with its safekeeping. It could potentially toss out the window many commonly held scientific theories on evolution and the history of the world. ... Baugh said the scans prove that the impressions are real and could not have been carved or etched into the stone. ... He also noted how the dinosaur's impression pushed up material from the human print and altered its shape in the area of the intrusion. [link]
Fossil: Meister Sandal Track with Trilobite (beetle-bug) embedded [click ‘Museum Displays’ on the menu] – The oldest fossil (human) footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister on an expedition to Antelope Spring, 43 miles west of Delta, Utah – Amazingly the human was wearing a sandal! The sandal that seems to have crushed a living trilobite was 10 1/4 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide; the heel is indented slightly more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be – A trilobite crushed within a human sandal print Found on June 1, 1968 (Photo)
Meister Sandal Track: The oldest fossil footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister on an expedition to Antelope Spring, 43 miles west of Delta, Utah. He was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, and by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shape and their two daughters. The party had already discovered several fossils of trilobites when Meister split open a two-inch-thick slab of rock with his hammer and discovered the print. The rock fell open "like a book." revealing on one side the footprint of a human with trilobites right in the footprint itself. The other half of the rock slab showed an almost perfect mold of the footprint and fossils. Amazingly the human was wearing a sandal! The sandal that seems to have crushed a living trilobite was 10 1/4 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide; the heel is indented slightly more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be. The Meister Sandal Track is another strong piece of evidence that the evolutionary theories promoted in class rooms across the nation and world do not promote "Truth", but instead promote theory that is bankrupt at its core. [link] NASA Surveyor Program 1966 – 1968: The Surveyor Program was a NASA program that, from 1966 through 1968, sent seven robotic spacecraft to the surface of the Moon – Several Surveyor spacecraft had robotic shovels designed to test lunar soil mechanics – Before this project, it was unknown how deep the dust on the Moon was – If the dust was too deep, then no astronaut could land – The Surveyor program proved that landings were possible [possible due to the small depth of moon dust coating the moon surface but numerous other challenges like distance and radiation remain] – There were seven (NASA) Surveyor missions; five were successful, Surveyors 2 and 4 failed – Surveyor 6 (November 10, 1967) was the first spacecraft to lift off from the Moon’s surface [to return moon dust and moon rocks back to the earth] – Each consisted of a single unmanned spacecraft designed and built by Hughes Aircraft Company
The Surveyor Program was a NASA program that, from 1966 through 1968, sent seven robotic spacecraft to the surface of the Moon. Its primary goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of soft landings on the Moon. The program was implemented by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to prepare for the Apollo Program. The spacecraft are still on the Moon; none of the missions included returning them to Earth. Some parts of Surveyor 3 were returned to Earth by Apollo 12. The camera is on display at the National Air and Space Museum. ... The program performed several other services beyond its primary goal of demonstrating soft landings. The ability of spacecraft to make midcourse corrections was demonstrated, and the landers carried instruments to help evaluate the suitability of their landing sites for manned Apollo landings. Several Surveyor spacecraft had robotic shovels designed to test lunar soil mechanics. Before this project, it was unknown how deep the dust on the Moon was. If the dust was too deep, then no astronaut could land. The Surveyor program proved that landings were possible. Some of the Surveyors also had alpha scattering instruments and magnets, which helped determine the chemical composition of the soil. ... There were seven Surveyor missions; five were successful. Surveyors 2 and 4 failed. Each consisted of a single unmanned spacecraft designed and built by Hughes Aircraft Company. ... Surveyor 6 (November 10, 1967) was the first spacecraft to lift off from the Moon's surface [to return moon dust and moon rocks back to the earth], and Apollo 12 landed within walking distance of the Surveyor 3 landing site. ... During the time of the Surveyor missions, the United States was actively involved in a Space Race with the Soviet Union. Thus the (USA) Surveyor 1 landing in June 1966, only four months after the Soviet Luna 9 probe landed in February, was an indication the programs were at similar stages. [link]
Russian Luna programme 1959 – 1976: Another major achievement of the (Soviet) Luna programme, with Luna 16, Luna 20 and Luna 24 spacecrafts, was the ability to collect samples of lunar soil and return them to Earth [the NASA probes can return both dust and rocks], by 1970 The (Soviet) program returned 0.326 kg [0.798 lbs – 12.76 oz] of lunar samples – The Luna missions were the first space-exploration sample return missions to rely solely on advanced robotics – Luna 15, also designed to return soil samples from the lunar surface, holds the significance of undergoing its mission at the same time as the historic (1969) Apollo 11 mission – Map: Locations of missions on the Moon (Click to enlarge)
The Luna programme (from the Russian word "Luna" meaning "Moon"), occasionally called Lunik or Lunnik, was a series of robotic spacecraft missions sent to the Moon by the Soviet Union between 1959 and 1976. Fifteen were successful, each designed as either an orbiter or lander, and accomplished many firsts in space exploration. They also performed many experiments, studying the Moon's chemical composition, gravity, temperature, and radiation. Twenty-four spacecraft were formally given the Luna designation, although more were launched. Those which failed to reach orbit were not publicly acknowledged at the time and not assigned a Luna number and ones which failed in low Earth orbit were usually given Cosmos designations. The estimated cost of Luna Program was about $4.5 billion. ... Achievements: Luna 1 missed its intended impact with the Moon and became the first spacecraft to fall into orbit around the Sun. In 1959, the Luna 2 mission successfully impacted upon the lunar surface, becoming the first man-made object to reach the Moon. Luna 3 rounded the Moon later that year, and returned the first photographs of its far side, which can never be seen from Earth. Luna 9 became the first probe to achieve a soft landing on another planetary body (February 1966). It returned five black and white stereoscopic circular panoramas, which were the first close-up shots of the Lunar surface. Later that year Luna 10 became the first artificial satellite of the Moon. Luna 17 and Luna 21 carried roving vehicles which roamed around on the Moon's terrain (see Lunokhod programme). Another major achievement of the Luna programme, with Luna 16, Luna 20 and Luna 24 spacecrafts, was the ability to collect samples of lunar soil and return them to Earth, by 1970. The program returned 0.326 kg of lunar samples. The Luna missions were the first space-exploration sample return missions to rely solely on advanced robotics. -- Other notable missions: Luna 15, also designed to return soil samples from the lunar surface, holds the significance of undergoing its mission at the same time as the historic Apollo 11 mission. Arguably a last-ditch attempt to steal thunder from the potential American success, it would have returned lunar samples to Earth before the Apollo astronauts could do so. However, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were already on the lunar surface when Luna 15 began its descent, and the spacecraft crashed into a mountain minutes later. [link]
What Neil & Buzz (1969) Left on the Moon – Cutting-edge Science Experiment Left by Apollo 11 astronauts Still Running Today – a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 mirrors pointing at Earth: the “lunar laser ranging retroreflector array” – [also] in the Sea of Serenity There’s a set of mirrors there onboard the parked Soviet Lunokhud 2 (1959) [unmanned] moon rover [probe] – “Using these mirrors” explains Alley, “we can ‘ping’ the moon with laser pulses [from earth] and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely – The moon is spiraling away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year – Why? Earth’s ocean tides are responsible
University of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project's principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today. "Using these mirrors," explains Alley, "we can 'ping' the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon's orbit and to test theories of gravity." Here's how it works: A laser pulse shoots out of a telescope on Earth, crosses the Earth-moon divide, and hits the array. Because the mirrors are "corner-cube reflectors," they send the pulse straight back where it came from. "It's like hitting a ball into the corner of a squash court," explains Alley. Back on Earth, telescopes intercept the returning pulse--"usually just a single photon," he marvels. ... Targeting the mirrors and catching their faint reflections is a challenge, but astronomers have been doing it for 35 years. A key observing site is the McDonald Observatory in Texas where a 0.7 meter telescope regularly pings reflectors in the Sea of Tranquility (Apollo 11), at Fra Mauro (Apollo 14) and Hadley Rille (Apollo 15), and, sometimes, in the Sea of Serenity. There's a set of mirrors there onboard the parked Soviet Lunokhud 2 moon rover--maybe the coolest-looking robot ever built. [link]
August 24, 2006: Lunar probe aims to crash into the Moon – The European Space Agency is gearing up for its first ever lunar landing – On 3 September, its lunar orbiter SMART-1 will crash onto the Moon
The European Space Agency is gearing up for its first ever lunar landing. On 3 September, its lunar orbiter SMART-1 will crash onto the Moon - hopefully in spectacular style - as its mission comes to a close. Mission controllers have used the last remaining fuel on the spacecraft to make it crash onto the nearside of the Moon. The crash should happen at approximately 0530 GMT as the spacecraft lands on a volcanic plain called the "Lake of Excellence" on the southwest of the Moon's disc. But the impact might occur one orbit (about 5 hours) earlier if the low-flying spacecraft happens to hit a mountainside. SMART-1 will hit the lunar surface at about 7000 kilometers per hour, just over three times the maximum speed of the supersonic Concorde. "It's likely that it's going to ricochet off the surface," said chief mission scientist Bernard Foing at a press conference in London, UK, on Thursday. [link]
November 12, 2008: TV-sized probe to strike Moon’s surface – India’s Chandrayaan spacecraft is set to eject a television-sized probe that will crash onto the lunar surface on Friday – When the probe hits the surface, it is expected to kick up a huge amount of dust that will be analyzed by instruments on the Chandrayaan orbiter
India's Chandrayaan spacecraft is set to eject a television-sized probe that will crash onto the lunar surface on Friday. The probe will make observations as it descends, testing systems needed to land future robotic spacecraft on the Moon. Chandrayaan, which launched on [Wednesday] 22 October, has been travelling on an elongated path around the Moon since it went into orbit there on Saturday [a four day journey]. ... An altimeter will measure the probe's height as it nosedives, helping to test technologies needed to make 'soft' landings on the Moon. India's next lunar mission, scheduled for 2010, involves not only an orbiter but also a Russian-built lander that will study samples of lunar soil. "I think the main purpose [of the Moon Impact Probe] is preparations for future soft landings," says Christian Erd, mission project manager at the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. "It is a demonstration of the separation mechanism and getting to the surface." The probe will also carry a mass spectrometer that will measure traces of gas and dust floating above the Moon. Signals from all three onboard instruments will be relayed back to the spacecraft and from there to ground stations on Earth. [link]
June 11, 2009: Japan’s first lunar probe ends mission – Japan’s first lunar probe made a controlled crash landing on the moon Thursday, successfully completing a 19-month mission to study the Earth’s nearest neighbor, Japan’s space agency said – During the Kaguya project, Japan launched two other orbiters to relay data – One landed on the moon in February, while the other has been measuring gravity around the moon and is still in orbit
(AP) -- Japan's first lunar probe made a controlled crash landing on the moon Thursday, successfully completing a 19-month mission to study the Earth's nearest neighbor, Japan's space agency said. The remotely controlled satellite, named after the folklore princess Kaguya, had been orbiting the moon to map its surface and study its mineral distribution and gravity levels. It was dropped onto the surface of the moon at 3:25 am. (1825 GMT), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, said in a statement. ... "With data from Kaguya, we hope to shed light on the evolution of the moon," Sobue said. During the Kaguya project, Japan launched two other orbiters to relay data. One landed on the moon in February, while the other has been measuring gravity around the moon and is still in orbit. Japan launched a moon probe in 1990, but that was a flyby mission. Japan launched its first satellite in 1970 and has achieved several major scientific coups in space, including the launch of a probe that made a rendezvous with an asteroid. The Japanese-produced H-2A rocket is one of the world's most advanced and consistent. ... A mission to Mars had to be abandoned in 2003 after a probe moved off course. [link]
Genesis 2-3 – Being made in the likeness and image of God no doubt referring to the spiritual aspects of God’s nature – Love, God’s chief emotional characteristic is love as God is Love, we are created with the capacity to love – God’s chief governmental attribute is that of self-determination so given to us is the capacity of choice – God is a Spirit so He made man a spiritual being because we are made like God — God made us spiritual beings – I am a spirit, I live in a body, I possess a conciseness a self-awareness – the physical body [a temporary tent] is not the real me I’m going to move from it one day into a real house [heaven] – what will the new [spiritual, heavenly] body look like? I don’t know but I know it will be perfect [complete]
God created Adam's physical body from the dirt of the ground. The same 17 elements found in [common] dirt are the same 17 elements found in our physical body. Note: Adam (man) was uniquely created spiritually (spirit/soul) in the image of God [Genesis 1:26] and physically from the dust of the ground. The fish/water animals and birds were first created through the water [Genesis 1:20 - creation day 5] while the land animals and Adam were created through the ground [Genesis 1:24 - creation day 6]. Later the female animals (helpmates) were all created separately through the ground [Genesis 2:19] their creation was an event Adam witnessed and participated in with his naming all of the animals. Eve (the woman) was not created separately from the ground as the animals were but from the side of Adam. Eve is not a separate creation like the animals male and female are separate from each other. Eve is a part of the exact same unique [Genesis 1:27] creation of Adam. Originally Adam was formed through the dust of the ground but now humans are formed through the water; the water of the womb. -- Also Note: since the original creation sin has entered into creation and creation now represents both the creation abilities of God and also the fallen sinful nature of mankind and the results of sin show in all of creation. With the fall and along with the thorns and thistles [Genesis 3:18] some animals became poisonous, decay and fermentation (alcohol) entered creation and some plants became toxic; plants like marijuana that before the fall would have been suitable for humans but since the fall have an alternate and adverse effect on the human body, mind (soul) and spirit.
Darwin Taught Male Superiority “males are more evolutionarily advanced than females” {Genesis 1:26-28 And God said, Let us (Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, after Our likeness: … So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; *male and *female created He them – And God blessed them, — Holy Bible. Mankind, male and female are created in the “image” of God so we can communicate and interact with God. If we did not have some of the emotions, understanding and feelings of God we would have nothing in common with God. Note: Our human emotions and thoughts are now tainted by sin while God remains pure and Holy.}
According to Darwinian theory, women were less evolved than men, and because of their smaller brains, they were "eternally primitive," childlike, less spiritual, more materialistic, and "a real danger to contemporary civilization." The supposed intelligence gap that many leading Darwinists believed existed between human males and females was so large that some leading Darwinists classified them as two distinct species-males as Homo frontalis and females as Homo parietalis. The differences were so great that Darwin was amazed "such different beings belong to the same species." Reasons for male superiority included the conclusion that war and hunting pruned the weaker men, allowing only the most fit to return home and reproduce. Women, in contrast, were not subject to these selection pressures but were protected by men, allowing the weak to survive. ... Darwin's writings and those of his disciples reveal that the belief of women inferiority was central to early evolutionary theory. In The Descent of Man Darwin argued that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and that "males are more evolutionarily advanced than females." [link]
Highly Recommended!!! — Many Infallible Proofs by DR. Henry Morris – Packed with facts and proofs about Christianity, Christ, God, creation, science and more – Includes 666 [mark of the beast numerology] discussion (Book $9.99)
Henry Morris - the grandfather of Scientific Creationism - shows what impact God's Word can have on the world. At once shining light on little known truths of the faith, strengthening believers through the Scripture, and providing information for skeptics or unbelievers, Many Infallible Proofs can also be a valuable tool in evangelism by showing where we can engage the individual we may be witnessing to. Henry Morris was on the forefront of the Christian anti-evolution movement until his death in 2006, producing many books and contributing greatly to the Young Earth model for creationism. This book, updated from his 1974 classic, is indicative of his commitment to the glory of God through biblical truths. [link]
Dr. Henry Morris books in print – The Genesis Record ($22.99) – The Genesis Flood ($13.99) – Many Infallible Proofs ($9.99) – (Books)
The Genesis Record is a scientific devotional commentary on the book of beginnings written by a creationist scientist. This book is written in the narrative rather than a verse-by-verse analysis form. In this work Morris guides the reader through the earth's early history showing his expertise in hydrology and geology so Scripture can be better understood. -- When The Genesis Flood first appeared reviewers predicted that it would be quoted, referred to, and widely discussed in the years ahead. Carefully written and well-documented, the book has since become a classic apologetic for Biblical creationism and the universality of the Flood described in the Book of Genesis. -- Packed with facts and proofs about Christianity, Christ, God, creation, science and more, Henry Morris - the grandfather of Scientific Creationism - shows what impact God's Word can have on the world. At once shining light on little known truths of the faith, strengthening believers through the Scripture, and providing information for skeptics or unbelievers, Many Infallible Proofs can also be a valuable tool in evangelism by showing where we can engage the individual we may be witnessing to. ... Henry Morris was on the forefront of the Christian anti-evolution movement until his death in 2006, producing many books and contributing greatly to the Young Earth model for creationism. This book, updated from his 1974 classic, is indicative of his commitment to the glory of God through biblical truths. [link]
Highly Recommended!!! — Dr. Dino Creationist Kent Hovind Reveals The Truth About The Garden of Eden and Creation! {Discusses the earth’s original water canopy covering.} (Google Video)
Kent Hovind - 1 hr 56 min 19 sec - Mar 2, 2006 - [link]
What is the Canopy Theory? It is interesting to note that if a frozen [water][or not frozen but a pure liquid water] canopy were able to exist in the atmosphere despite cosmic bombardment, its ability to stay in orbit [rain clouds of water orbit the earth today], and its transparency (sunlight has to get through it) [sunlight goes through water], its collapse into liquid rain [the water canopy could have been water then became in part flood water, rain, chunks of ice, comets, etc. after the canopy broke apart initiating the flood of Noah’s day] would have an extreme cooling effect and might be an explanation for the commencement of the Ice Age – Despite the fact that we know that it [ice age] happened, the complex factors involved in getting an Ice Age started makes it seem impossible and baffles modern science to this day
Answer: The canopy theory seeks to explain the reference in Genesis 1:6 to "the waters above the firmament," assuming that "firmament," or "expanse," as the Hebrew word is alternatively translated, refers to our atmosphere. According to the canopy theory, there was a canopy of water above the atmosphere until the cataclysm of Noah's day, at which point it disappeared either by collapsing upon the earth or by dissipation into space. It is presumed to have consisted of water vapor because a canopy of ice could not have survived the constant bombardment of celestial objects like meteoroids which perpetually barrage the earth's atmosphere. ... Advocates of the canopy theory once speculated that the collapse of such a vapor canopy might have provided the water for the heavy rains which inundated the earth during Noah's flood. ... It is interesting to note that if a frozen canopy were able to exist in the atmosphere despite cosmic bombardment, its ability to stay in orbit, and its transparency (sunlight has to get through it), its collapse into liquid rain would have an extreme cooling effect and might be an explanation for the commencement of the Ice Age. Despite the fact that we know that it happened, the complex factors involved in getting an Ice Age started makes it seem impossible and baffles modern science to this day. Advocates of the canopy theory also cite it as a possible cause for a variety of pre-flood anomalies, including human longevity and the apparent lack of rain or rainbows. They claim that such a canopy would filter out much of the cosmic radiation that is harmful to humans and cause the lack of rain or rainbows. However, opponents dispute such a canopy's ability to produce these results. [link]
The Origin of Comets – Comets [outer space remnants of the original creation water canopy], which are primarily ice [frozen water], have rocks in their cores
Comets may be the most dynamic, spectacular, variable, and mysterious bodies in the solar system. They contain even organic matter which many early scientists concluded was "decomposed organic bodies." Today, a popular belief is that comets brought life to Earth. Instead, comets may have traces of life from Earth. [link]
The Origin of Asteroids [outer space remnants of the original creation water canopy] and Meteoroids – Asteroids are rock piles, often with ice [frozen water] acting as a weak “glue” inside – Large rocks that began the capture process are nearer the centers of asteroids
The "fountains of the great deep" launched rocks as well as muddy water. As rocks moved farther from Earth, Earth's gravity became less significant to them, and the gravity of nearby rocks became increasingly significant. Consequently, many rocks, assisted by their mutual gravity and surrounding clouds of water vapor, merged to become asteroids. [link] Drop liquid – Impact of a drop of water {View a photo of a drop of water impacting a pool of water or any surface then view a photo of an impact crater on the moon both the drop of water impact and moon craters have identical features – showing that the moon craters were indeed created from numerous impacts of comet [ice, rocks] debris.} (Photos)
A drop or droplet is a small volume of liquid, bounded completely or almost completely by free surfaces. A drop may form when liquid accumulates at the lower end of a tube or other surface boundary, producing a hanging drop called a pendant drop. Drops may also be formed by the condensation of a vapor or by atomization of a larger mass of liquid. ... Impact of a drop of water (Photo). Backjet from drop impact (Photo). A drop of water hitting a metal surface (Photo). ... A triple backjet after impact (Photo). [link] Impact crater on the Moon – the term is used for the approximately circular depression in the surface of a planet, moon or other solid body in the Solar System, formed by the hyper-velocity impact of a smaller body with the surface – Impact craters typically have raised rims, and they range from small, simple, bowl-shaped depressions to large, complex, multi-ringed impact basins – Meteor Crater is perhaps the best-known example of a small impact crater on the Earth – A laboratory simulation (Video Demo) of an impact event and crater formation – The prominent impact crater Tycho on the Moon (Photo)
In the broadest sense, the term impact crater can be applied to any depression, natural or manmade, resulting from the high velocity impact of a projectile with larger body. In most common usage, the term is used for the approximately circular depression in the surface of a planet, moon or other solid body in the Solar System, formed by the hyper-velocity impact of a smaller body with the surface. This is in contrast to the pit crater which results from an internal collapse. Impact craters typically have raised rims, and they range from small, simple, bowl-shaped depressions to large, complex, multi-ringed impact basins. Meteor Crater is perhaps the best-known example of a small impact crater on the Earth. Impact craters provide the dominant landforms on many solid Solar System objects including the Moon, Mercury, Callisto, Ganymede and most small moons and asteroids. On other planets and moons that experience more-active surface geological processes, such as Earth, Venus, Mars, Europa, Io and Titan, visible impact craters are less common because they become eroded, buried or transformed by tectonics over time. Where such processes have destroyed most of the original crater topography, the terms impact structure or astrobleme are more commonly used. In early literature, before the significance of impact cratering was widely recognized, the terms cryptoexplosion or cryptovolcanic structure were often used to describe what are now recognized as impact-related features on Earth. -- In the early Solar System, rates of impact cratering were much higher than today. The large multi-ringed impact basins, with diameters of hundreds of kilometers or more, retained for example on Mercury and the Moon, record a period of intense early bombardment in the inner Solar System that ended about 3.8 billion years ago. Since that time, the rate of crater production on Earth has been considerably lower, but it is appreciable nonetheless; Earth experiences from one to three impacts large enough to produce a 20 km diameter crater about once every million years on average. This indicates that there should be far more relatively young craters on the planet than have been discovered so far. [link] Moon Rilles [riverbeds] – Rille (German for ‘groove’) is typically used to describe any of the long, narrow depressions in the lunar surface that resemble channels – Typically a rille can be up to several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers in length – However, the term has also been used loosely to describe similar structures on a number of planets in the Solar System, including Mars, Venus, and on a number of moons – All bear remarkable structural resemblance to each other {Another theory about rilles and canyons is not that they were lava flows from extinct volcanoes but that the majority of rilles and canyons are dry riverbeds from temporary rivers that as comets composed of ice impacted our moon, other planets (Mars) and other moons that the ice shattered and melted on impact creating a temporary river but only until the water quickly evaporated back into space as the moon and other planets do not have enough gravity or their own atmosphere to trap and retain the liquid water on their surface like the earth does.} (Photos)
Rille (German for 'groove') is typically used to describe any of the long, narrow depressions in the lunar surface that resemble channels. Typically a rille can be up to several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers in length. However, the term has also been used loosely to describe similar structures on a number of planets in the Solar System, including Mars, Venus, and on a number of moons. All bear remarkable structural resemblance to each other. Three types of rille are found on the lunar surface: Sinuous rilles meander in a curved path like a mature river, and are commonly thought to be the remains of collapsed lava tubes or extinct lava flows. They usually begin at an extinct volcano, then meander and sometimes split as they are followed across the surface. Vallis Schröteri in Oceanus Procellarum is the largest sinuous rille. Arcuate rilles have a smooth curve and are found on the edges of the dark lunar maria. They are believed to form when the lava flows that created a mare cool, contract, and sink. This are found all over the moon, examples can be seen near the south-western border of Mare Tranquillitatis and on the south-eastern border of Mare Humorum. Straight rilles follow long, linear paths and are believed to be grabens, sections of the crust that have sunk between two parallel faults. These can be readily identified when they pass through craters or mountain ranges. Vallis Alpes is by far the largest graben rille, indeed it is regarded as too large to be called a rille and is itself bisected by a straight rille; Rupes Recta in Mare Nubium is a clearer example. Rilles which show more than one structure are termed hybrid rilles. Rima Hyginus in Sinus Medii is an example, initially formed through a fault and subsequently subject to volcanic activity. [link] Ice on the Bone Dry Moon – the lunar surface is bombarded with water-rich objects such as comets {It seems the comets [ice chunks] would have to originate from the earth’s atmosphere in order to so significantly saturate the earth side of the moon with impact craters. There are nearly as many impact craters on the near side of the moon as there are on the far side [dark side – outer space side] of the moon.}
An abundant supply of water on the Moon would make establishment of a self-sustaining lunar colony much more feasible and less expensive than presently thought. Study of lunar samples revealed that the interior of the Moon is essentially devoid of water, so no underground supplies could be used by lunar inhabitants. However, the lunar surface is bombarded with water-rich objects such as comets, and scientists have suspected that some of the water in these objects could migrate to permanently dark areas at the lunar poles, perhaps accumulating to useable quantities. The discovery of ice on the Moon has enormous implications for a permanent human return to the Moon. Water ice is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, two elements vital to human life and space operations. Lunar ice could be mined and disassociated into hydrogen and oxygen by electric power provided by solar panels deployed in nearby illuminated areas or a nuclear generator. This hydrogen and oxygen is a prime rocket fuel, giving us the ability to refuel rockets at a lunar "filling station" and making transport to and from the Moon more economical by at least a factor of ten. Additionally, the water from lunar polar ice and oxygen generated from the ice could support a permanent facility or outpost on the Moon. The discovery of this material, rare on the Moon but so vital to human life and operations in space, will make our expansion into the Solar System easier and reaffirms the immense value of our own Moon as the stepping stone into the universe. [link]
Study: Dinosaur loss wasn’t mammals’ gain – “I was flabbergasted,” said study co-author Ross MacPhee, curator of vertebrate zoology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York {More proof that evolutionist are simply groping their way through theories and making them up as they go along.}
NEW YORK (AP) -- The big dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago didn't produce a flurry of new species in the ancestry of modern mammals after all, says a huge study that challenges a long-standing theory. Scientists who constructed a massive evolutionary family tree for mammals found no sign of such a burst of new species at that time among the ancestors of present-day animals. ... Some experts praised the large scale of the new evolutionary tree, which used a controversial "supertree" method to combine data covering the vast majority of mammal species. It challenges paleontologists to find new fossils that can shed light on mammal history, said Greg Wilson, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. William J. Murphy of Texas A&M University, who is working on a similar project, said no previous analysis had included so many mammal species. But, "I don't think this is the final word," he said. The study's approach for assigning dates was relatively crude, he said, and some dates it produced for particular lineages disagree with those obtained by more updated methods. So as for its interpretation of what happened when the dinosaurs died off, "I'm not sure that conclusion is well-founded," Murphy said. [link]
Genesis 4 – Remove from your mind the notion that Satan is a vile, repulsive creature – Satan came to Eve masquerading himself as an angel of light – in order that sin may look not like the destruction it is but attractive and appealing – Satan came questioning the Word of God – trying through his questions to cast doubt on the Word of God and on the nature of God – The questions of Satan are designed to suggest that there is an unfairness with God that God is withholding something from us – today most people have a wrong concept of God because Satan is working to give people a wrong concept – the right concept of God is that God loves us and that He cares very much for each one of us {It was Satan that deceived Eve and then worse of all Satan wanted Eve to take the blame for disobeying God. This is a very important Biblical concept that Satan the instigator is also Satan the accuser. Satan instigates the problem, the thought, the motive but then Satan departs when any blame or accountability is to be issued out. Do not under any circumstance be tempted like Eve was tempted to accept the full blame and responsibility all by yourself apart from telling the situation to God. Tell everything to God! Get God involved in your life! Involve God in all the issues of your life especially those things that don’t work out and that do go wrong, get God involved and then let God decide how it should be handled. God knew full well that Satan had tricked Eve and that Satan wanted Eve to take the full responsibility for the disaster that is why God didn’t ask Eve what had happened. God knew Eve would accept responsibility for something that she did not instigate therefore God asked Adam what had happened knowing Adam would put the disaster at the feet of Eve and that then Eve would finally be willing to put the responsibility for the disastrous, disobedient act at the feet of Satan where it belongs.}
The [very] moment you open yourself up to dialogue with Satan you are subjecting yourself to trouble. ... The harmful notions of Satan are that you can violate the laws of God and not harm yourself and that you can obtain fulfillment in yourself apart from Jesus Christ apart from His (redemptive) cross and His (eternal life) resurrection. - Jesus is often not giving condemnation but He is giving an accurate representation of the consequences there will be in rejecting God's word and in our sinning. ... The Woman will have a redeemer seed (Jesus Christ) [virgin birth] and Satan will have a seed as well in the antichrist 'the seed of the serpent.' ... Sin is desiring to rule over us but we must rule over sin and the only way to conquer sin is through the provision of the Holy Spirit - only the power of Jesus Christ is sufficient to defeat sin - with Jesus Christ in our life we can have victory over sin. Note: The first born children Cain and Abel might have been twins but it's unlikely, it's speculated that they were twins because the Bible [Genesis 4:2 'And she (Eve) again bare his brother Abel'] doesn't mention Eve conceiving again before she gives birth to Abel. Early mankind was to multiply to fill the earth so the multiplying would include many multiple births. Isaac and Jacob were twins [Genesis 25:23], though it is unlikely that Cain and Abel were twins because it's not directly mentioned in the Bible and if it is an important Biblical concept it will be plainly mentioned usually sever times throughout the Bible. Even if Cain and Abel were twins it is not a representation that good and evil are twins or even brothers for that matter and it certainly would not be a representation that Jesus and Satan are brothers. The Bible clearly and unequivocally states that Jesus Christ is unique that He alone is God and the only begotten [manifested] Son of God. Mona Lisa a 16th century portrait painted [1503-1506] in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance – Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing, and parody {The Mona Lisa painting is thought by some to be a depiction of Eve, the first mother of every person. It is also thought to be a Satanic depiction with Eve seated on her unseen throne, as Queen of the earth [in the ancient Eve joined Satan as his wife/Queen] ‘Serpent Seed’ heresy, using the Garden of Eden as her backdrop Eve (Mona Lisa) is smiling at her own personal delight in her part in ruining Paradise [a place where none of her descendants will ever place a foot, in the painting the path stops at the Garden not allowing anyone in, also in the painting background on the right side is one of the four rives of the Garden of Eden but in the Garden itself there are no longer any paths for mankind to walk on] and helping to bring in sin, rebellion and death to all of her descendants. Of course Mona Lisa is a modern painting depicting nothing of the real Eve however the depiction of the stubborn Satanic delight in evil is a work of the art of sin that has not yet left us.} (Painting)
Also note: in the painting (Mona Lisa) Eve is not wearing a wedding band 'Detail of Lisa's hands, her right hand resting on her left - Leonardo chose this gesture rather than a wedding ring to depict Lisa as a virtuous woman and faithful wife [faithful to who?]' in the "Serpent Seed" hoax Eve has divorced Adam and has united with Satan. The Eve of the painting is also painted without eyebrows and eyelashes 'Mona Lisa has no visible facial hair-including eyebrows and eyelashes' because perspiration was not a part of the Garden of Eden and neither were tears. Perspiration entered into creation after the fall as a part of the labor, sweat and toil that Adam and all of their offspring were to endure [including the real Eve so the painting is a complete fabrication]. -- Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda) is a 16th century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. It is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose expression is often described as enigmatic. The ambiguity of the sitter's expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the painting's continuing fascination. It is probably the most famous painting that has ever been stolen from the Louvre and recovered. Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing, and parody. ... Leonardo used a pyramid design to place the woman simply and calmly in the space of the painting. Her folded hands form the front corner of the pyramid. Her breast, neck and face glow in the same light that models her hands. The light gives the variety of living surfaces an underlying geometry of spheres and circles. Leonardo referred to a seemingly simple formula for seated female figure: the images of seated Madonna, which were widespread at the time. He effectively modified this formula in order to create the visual impression of distance between the sitter and the observer. The armrest of the chair functions as a dividing element between Mona Lisa and the viewer. ... The woman sits markedly upright with her arms folded, which is also a sign of her reserved posture. Only her gaze is fixed on the observer and seems to welcome them to this silent communication. Since the brightly lit face is practically framed with various much darker elements (hair, veil, shadows), the observer's attraction to Mona Lisa's face is brought to even greater extent. Thus, the composition of the figure evokes an ambiguous effect: we are attracted to this mysterious woman but have to stay at a distance as if she were a divine creature. There is no indication of an intimate dialogue between the woman and the observer as is the case in the Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (Louvre) painted by Raphael about ten years after Mona Lisa, and undoubtedly influenced by Leonardo's portrait. -- The painting was among the first portraits to depict the sitter before an imaginary landscape. The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side. Behind her a vast landscape recedes to icy mountains. Winding paths and a distant bridge give only the slightest indications of human presence. The sensuous curves of the woman's hair and clothing, created through sfumato, are echoed in the undulating imaginary valleys and rivers behind her. The blurred outlines, graceful figure, dramatic contrasts of light and dark, and overall feeling of calm are characteristic of Leonardo's style. Due to the expressive synthesis that Leonardo achieved between sitter and landscape it is arguable whether Mona Lisa should be considered as a traditional portrait, for it represents an ideal rather than a real woman. The sense of overall harmony achieved in the painting-especially apparent in the sitter's faint smile-reflects Leonardo's idea of a link connecting humanity and nature. -- Mona Lisa has no visible facial hair-including eyebrows and eyelashes. Some researchers claim that it was common at this time for genteel women to pluck them out, since they were considered to be unsightly. For modern viewers the missing eyebrows add to the slightly semi-abstract quality of the face. [link]
Genesis 5 – The Generations of Adam – The Bible traces the genealogies of Adam –> Noah, Noah –> Abraham, Abraham –> King David [and lastly] King David –> Jesus Christ – The New Testament book of Matthew [Matthew 1:1-25] traces the Jewish genealogy from Abraham to Jesus Christ – God created Adam in His likeness and now Adam in sinful nature is going to have sons (children) in his sinful nature – at 130 years old Adam had the son Seth [the lineage of Noah – Jesus] – Adam lived for 930 years and was still alive for 100 years when Lamech (Noah’s father) was born – Adam almost lived until Noah was born – because of the long lives the people were not separated and the whole story of creation could have been [spoken] by Adam to Noah’s father then to Noah and his three sons including Shem who was still alive when Abraham was born – the events of creation were not that removed from the early generations up until Abraham – The ‘Sons of God’ a reference to angels [Job 1:6] – in this particular case fallen angels so we are dealing with an abnormal angelic & human female [sexual activity] – The days preceding and up until the Flood of Noah were a time of great immorality including abundant Satanic activity
Enoch a prophet [the eight from Adam - Jude 1:14] is interesting because he did not die he was 'translated' by God and brought directly into heaven to God. Enoch was a prophet and prophesied of the [2nd] coming of Jesus Christ - [Genesis 3:15 is the first Messianic prophecy in the Bible being about the 1st coming of Jesus]. Enoch again prophesied in the naming of his son Methuselah [Metushélach "Man of the dart/spear", or alternatively "when he dies/died, it (Noah's flood) shall be sent/has been sent") is the oldest person whose age is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, given as 969 years - The name Methuselah has become a general synonym for any living creature of great age --] the year Methuselah passed away the flood of Noah occurred. -- Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the [2nd] coming of [Jesus Christ] the Son of man be. -- In the days preceding the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ the days are going to resemble the hectic days of the time of Noah before the flood. A time of great satanic activity and satanic worship. Note: The Biblical concept of 'Sons of God' is that Son is given in designation only to those who have been in the actual presence of God [in heaven] therefore no human while on earth is actually a 'Son of God' but a 'Child of God' until entering into the actual presence of God in heaven. Currently the only designation for 'Son of God' could be for angels or for Jesus Christ who is both 'Son of God' and 'Son of man' an angel would not be called a 'Son of man.'
The Christian Basics 132 Topics – Easy to Use & Easy to Understand – ‘Sons of God’ (PDF)
Studying Theology: Is just like piecing together a puzzle. Individual Theology pieces fit together and the picture begins to emerge. The picture Theology displays is the image of Jesus! -- Sons of God see also Child of God, Adoption, Inheritance -- First Use: Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Job 38:7 When [at the designing and building of the earth] the morning stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for joy? The sons of God are individual spirit life creations of God the Father. As sons they are also inheritors of the Father's kingdom. Sons currently exist in the kingdom of God. Angels are referred to as Sons of God because they currently exist in the kingdom of God and each of them is a unique individual creation of God. Adam being a unique creation of God and originally living in God's kingdom is also called a Son of God. Currently each human is a son of man. When a human enters into the covenant relationship with God by acknowledging God, then the human becomes also a child of God and a son of God. A human fully becomes a son of God when we physically die and enter into the perceivable presence of God, where we are adopted as sons; we receive a new unique spiritual body and an inheritance in the kingdom of God. [link]
Holy Ghost Revival Sermons Online: “Conviction and the Altar” The Days of Noah (Mp3)
You are hearing a 12 minute preview of the sermon "Conviction and the Altar" The full 1 hour sermon link is listed below! [link]
As it was in the Days of Noah – The time leading up to the Great Flood was a lot like our time in that it was characterized by a deliberate and increasing disregard for the ways of God
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man (Matt 24:37). The time leading up to the Great Flood was a lot like our time in that it was characterized by a deliberate and increasing disregard for the ways of God. Finally "the Lord saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time" (Gen. 6:5). ... the sequence of events suddenly became so obvious to me. Enoch was taken alive from earth and the Holy Spirit was withdrawn. Then in Gen. 6:5 man's behavior is described as having become unbearably wicked and in Gen. 7 the judgment came, in that order. Enoch's name means teaching and according to Jude 14-15 he gave the first prophecy of the 2nd coming. ... If Enoch is indeed a model of the church and if the Lord's prophecy of Matt 24:37 includes the sequence of events, as seems likely, then one day soon we will be taken alive (raptured) from earth, the Holy Spirit withdrawn. Man's behavior will become unbearably wicked and the judgment will come, all in that order. As it was in the days of Noah. Selah. [link]
The “Days of Noah” Are Here – The Bible tells us that we are to live “holy and righteous” in this age – We are to be actively sharing the gospel in order for others to be redeemed – precisely because “the days are evil”
That describes today quite accurately. Those who have normalized homosexual behavior have done so to the point of thinking anyone who opposes it are "crazy," "homophobic," "intolerant," and "bigots." -- For Bible believing, Christ following born-again Christians, such derogatory views and labels are only perpetuating deception about this dangerous behavior. Furthermore, homosexual activism both secular as well as in the church distracts people from what is truly most important in this life - that is - confessing and repenting of sin and knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Bible tells us that we are to live "holy and righteous" in this age. We are to be actively sharing the gospel in order for other to be redeemed - precisely because "the days are evil." ... This world is filled with lust, murder, theft, adultery, fornication, lying, idol worship and the list could go on and on. Yet, most sane people do not advocate for churches to accept such concepts as "sanctified." However, this is exactly what is being done in liberal "Christian" churches throughout America! Claiming that a particular sin should be allowed to be "sanctified" within Christ's church body meaning, all believers is an abomination to God! It is a form of idol worship. It is, in fact, as the Scriptures inform us, "exchanging the truth for a lie!" [link]
As The Days of Noah Were – Luke 17:26: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man”
The Reason for the Flood: It was the infusion of these strange (demonic) beings into the human predicament that brought on the Flood of Noah. The Flood was preceded by four generations of prophets/preachers warning of the coming judgment: Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah. It seems that this was part of Satan's stratagem to corrupt the line of Adam to prevent the fulfillment of the Messianic redemption. Noah was apparently unique in that his genealogy was still uncorrupted. The strange events which led to the flood are also alluded to in ancient mythologies. The legends of the Greek "titans"---partly terrestrial, partly celestial---embrace these same memories. (The Greek titan is linguistically linked to the Chaldean sheitan, and the Hebrew satan.) [link]
Jesus said, “As in the Days of Noah” Violence Filled the Earth
Jesus spoke far ahead of his time relating to us what life would be like just prior to his coming. He says in Matt. 24:37-38: "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." [link]
The Lord Jesus Christ informs us that before He returns certain conditions will exist in society in general. These conditions are a sign to believers that His Second Coming is near. There has always been corruption in society, but the idea here is of such decadence and depravity reaching the point of no return. The Lord makes use of two Old Testament characters to illustrate the characteristics and conditions that will exist at all levels of humanity prior to His Second Coming. As it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot. [link]
NWO Hoax Alert*** World Net Daily Book – Bible [False] fact No. 19: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob not Jews {[Genesis 14:12-13 And they took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed. And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the *Hebrew; (it is later Abraham with the -ah- breath of life from God added to Abram and his wife Sarai after receiving the breath of life from God becomes Sarah – Genesis 17:15).] The word Hebrew means “Wanderer” Judah in Hebrew means “Praise – Praise to God” the person and tribe of Judah was named after an already existing Hebrew-Jewish word. Abraham is the Father of the Jewish (Judaism – “people of praise” [Wikipedia]) nation it was Abraham then his son Isaac and then Jacob (Israel) that each received the promises of God (Covenant of circumcision Genesis 17:8-14) that are passed down to the Nation Tribes of Israel. Noah lived before Abraham and Noah is the Father of All Nations (all modern post flood Nations) while Abraham a descendant of Noah is the Father of the Hebrew-Jewish Nation and Abraham in receiving the -ah- “born again” Spirit-breath of life from God, Abraham is the Father of Faith (Romans 4:16) “…of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us (Christians) all.” Judah is not the start of the Jewish nation [Abraham is] and has NEVER been presented as being the start as Judah is a brother (a 12th) of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Jacob), you can’t be born into something that already exists and then be considered the start of it. Note: Most or all False bible teachings come out of twisting and misrepresenting Bible words and passages. God has a plan for mankind and the Jews-Hebrews the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 6:3-4, Acts 3:13) are the chosen center piece of God’s plan (Genesis 12:1-3) for mankind.}
One of the most common misconceptions some people have about the Bible is that the Old Testament centers only on Jews and Judaism, while the New Testament focuses on Christians and Christianity. Many assume some of the most well-known heroes - including Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) - were Jews. Though these worshippers of God were the ancestors of the Jews, when the Holy Scriptures are read without any preconceived notions, it is impossible for themselves to have been Jews. How can this be? The answer is simple. Those people were all born before a man named Judah, whose name is the origin of the word "Jew." This is just one of the stunning facts brought to light in "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told," the stunning new best-seller by Joe Kovacs, the executive news editor of WND. [link]
NWO Hoax Alert*** Texas (school) Update: Islam-promoting principal out [reassigned] – In the 40-minute (school) session, representatives of the Houston office of the controversial Council on American- Islamic Relations, an organization critics link to terrorist groups, presented a 40-minute lesson in the religious beliefs and requirements of Islam – The CAIR representatives instructed [school] students that Adam, Noah and Jesus are [Islamic] prophets; announced “there is one god, his name is Allah”; taught the five pillars of Islam {Note: Adam and Noah are prophets who prophesied of the coming Jewish Messiah the Redeemer-Savior Jesus Christ, Jesus being God is also a prophet and Jesus is Jewish a physical descendant of the Jewish lineage from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.}
The controversy erupted at Friendswood Junior High when students were diverted from a scheduled physical education class and taken to an assembly set up by Principal Robin Lowe. In the 40-minute session, representatives of the Houston office of the controversial Council on American- Islamic Relations, an organization critics link to terrorist groups, presented a 40-minute lesson in the religious beliefs and requirements of Islam. ... The CAIR representatives instructed students that Adam, Noah and Jesus are prophets; announced "there is one god, his name is Allah"; taught the five pillars of Islam; told students how to pray five times a day; and gave instruction on Islamic religious requirements for dress. The assembly had not been authorized by the district, officials confirmed. ... Hanks told parents in a memo she had authorized the presentation for staff members only, not students. "My concern for our community and for our students is not as much with the content of the presentation as explained to me," she wrote, according to a Houston Chronicle report, "but with the fact that a group had an audience with our students without consent from parents or this administration. "I am not surprised by the community's reaction," she continued. "Most of you receiving this letter have had years of experience with this district and know the kinds of activities your child has been exposed to in school. This was an isolated incident and a mistake." Texas Education Agency officials confirmed that state law allows parents to remove their children from activities or classes that violate their religious or moral beliefs. There was no information available on Lowe's new position. The district's brief statement said Lowe "has accepted another administrative position effective immediately." [link] The true story of Clarita Villanueva – A seventeen-year old girl bitten by devils in Bilibid Prison, Manila, Philippines by Lester Frank Sumrall
Out of Print--Limited Availability. [link]
The strange story of Clarita Villanueva – a 17-year-old Filipina girl, had known a life of tragedy – She did not remember her father – She did not know if he had died or had deserted her mother – Her mother was a spiritualist and a fortune teller by vocation – The girl was brought up watching her mother holding séances, communicating with the dead, and using clairvoyance to predict to sinful people what they could expect in the future – From: Lester Sumrall, Alien Entities – A look behind the door to the spirit realm, printed in the USA by Whitaker House (PA), 1995, pages 131-138
Clarita Villanueva, a 17-year-old Filipina girl, had known a life of tragedy. She did not remember her father. She did not know if he had died or had deserted her mother. Her mother was a spiritualist and a fortune teller by vocation. The girl was brought up watching her mother holding séances, communicating with the dead, and using clairvoyance to predict to sinful people what they could expect in the future. Her mother took money from people for her services, and then laughed at them behind their backs. To her it was all just a game, a means of making a living by duping unsuspecting and gullible people. When Clarita was still very young, about twelve years old, her mother died. Since she did not have any immediate family to take her in and care for her, she became a vagabond. She fell into the hands of harlots and at the tender age of 12 was selling her body as a prostitute. The harlots taught her how to handle men, how to get money for her services. Clarita worked her way up from her island home to the capital city of Manila. The big city was a hiding place, a center of money and vice for her business. The local harlots became her teachers and she learned the night life in the big capital city. In Manila there were more men to seduce. By the time she was 17 years old, Clarita was frequenting the bars and taverns of Manila, living the 'gay life' by soliciting men for harlotry. But one morning at 2 a.m. on the streets of down-town Manila, Clarita made the mistake of offering her services to a plainclothes police officer. The policeman called for a vehicle and Clarita was taken to the ancient Bilibid Prison, used as the city jail. Bilibid has been a prison for over 300 years. It was built by the Spanish and used by the Americans, the Filipinos, and the Japanese as a prison and a place of torment. Two days after Clarita was incarcerated, there struck the strangest phenomenon to ever hit Bilibid Prison in its 300-year history. This young harlot was bitten severely on her body by unseen and unknown alien entities. There were two of them - a huge monster-like spirit and a smaller one. They sunk their fangs and teeth deep into her flesh making deep indentations. They would bite her neck, back, legs and arms simultaneously. Blood flowed, mostly underneath her skin, from the bites. The 17-year-old girl screamed in horror and fainted. ... Because I was a foreigner in the Philippines, I went to the mayor's office and asked permission to see Clarita. He granted me his permission but warned me that several people had been injured by the girl and that two had been cursed and were dead. I went with the understanding that I would not sue the government if I was hurt, and that I would not complain if mistreated. When I arrived at the prison, the head doctor of six physicians, Dr. Lara, was skeptical of this foreign minister, but he finally permitted me to see the girl. Clarita was brought into a special room where I was waiting with a large group of news reporters, foreign members of the press, university professors, and medical doctors, who had been invited by Dr. Lara. -- As Clarita was being led into the room, she looked at them and said nothing, but when she saw me she screamed violently: 'I hate you!' Instantly I inserted: 'I know you hate me. I have come to cast you out'. That was the beginning of the confrontation. There was a raging battle with the girl blaspheming God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Her eyes were burning coals of fire and full of hate. I commanded the evil spirit to loose her. After a three-day confrontation with the devil in her, the miracle of God came upon her. She relaxed, smiled, and said: 'He's gone'. 'Where did he go?' I asked. 'He went out that way', she replied. 'He's gone'. The local newspapers, magazines and radio told the story. One headline read: He dies; the devil is dead!' Another one said: 'Devil loses round one'. Dr. Lara became so excited he took me over to the office of the mayor. When he walked into the office, he said: 'My God, mayor. The devil is dead'. I said: 'Mr. Mayor, Dr. Lara may be a good doctor, but he's a poor theologian. The devil is not dead. The girl I came and talked to you about yesterday is healed'. [link]
NEW METHOD OF ESTIMATING THE AGE OF NIAGARA FALLS: In 1841 Sir Charles Lyell and the late Prof. James Hall visited the falls together – (they ‘guessed’) the time required for its erosion at this rate would be thirty-five thousand years – Mr. Bakewell, another eminent English geologist, at about the same time estimated the rate of the recession as threefold greater than Lyell and Hall had done, which would re-duce the time to about eleven thousand years – In 1856 Mr. Woodward, of the United States Geological Survey, made a new survey, and found that the actual amount of recession in the center – in 1886, when it was proved, to the satisfaction of every one, that, if the supply of water had been constant throughout its history the whole work of eroding the gorge from Lewiston to the Falls would have been accomplished, at the present rate of recession, in about seven thousand years – But the question was immediately raised, Has the supply of water in Niagara River been constant? {Always in a flood the most water and the greatest amount of erosion occurs at the beginning of the flood in the first hours and days then things stabilize a bit with a continued erosion rate based on the amount of water and the type of rock and material the water is eroding.}
In 1841 Sir Charles Lyell and the late Prof. James Hall visited the falls together; but, having no means of determining the rate of recession, except from the indefinite reports of residents and guides, they could place no great confidence in the "guess," made by Sir Charles Lyell, that it could not be more than one foot a year. As the length of the gorge from Lewiston up is about seven miles, the time required for its erosion at this rate would be thirty-five thousand years. The great authority and popularity of Lyell led the general public to put more confidence in this estimate than the distinguished authors themselves did. Mr. Bakewell, another eminent English geologist, at about the same time estimated the rate of the recession as threefold greater than Lyell and Hall had done, which would re-duce the time to about eleven thousand years. ... In 18S6 Mr. Woodward, of the United States Geological Survey, made a new survey, and found that the actual amount of recession in the center - Looking north from below the Whirlpool, showier the electric road at the bottom of the east side of the gorge, and the steam road descending the face about halfway to the top. of the Horseshoe Fall had proceeded at an average rate of about five feet per annum. The subject was thoroughly discussed by Drs. Pohlman and Gilbert, at the Buffalo meeting of the American Association in 1886, when it was proved, to the satisfaction of every one, that, if the supply of water had been constant throughout its history the whole work of eroding the gorge from Lewiston to the Falls would have been accomplished, at the present rate of recession, in about seven thousand years. But the question was immediately raised, Has the supply of water in Niagara River been constant? It was my privilege, in the autumn of 1892 to bring forth the first positive evidence that the water pouring over Niagara had for a time been diverted, having been turned through Lake Nipissing down the valley of the Mattawa into the Ottawa River, following nearly the line of Champlain's old trail and of the present Canadian Pacific Railroad. The correctness of this inference has been abundantly confirmed by subsequent investigations... [link]
Genesis 6-9 – Noah a Righteous man – and also a man not tainted with fallen angelic [DNA] interaction – would build an Ark for God (approximately the size of the R.M.S. Titanic luxury liner) – Genesis 6:22 Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he — Genesis 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before Me in this generation — God invited Noah to enter into the Ark [and safety] where God was already waiting for him to enter into God’s presence and to receive from God’s Salvation and Divine providential provision
Genesis 8:4 And the ark rested [touched the safety of the new earth] in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Jesus [the Ark and safe passage of our eternal soul and salvation touching and resting safely into heaven] would later Resurrect from the grave on the 17th day of the 7th [civil] month [Nisan] {Nisan is the 1st month in the Jewish religious calendar year and also the 7th [civil] month in the original (Noah) calendar year cycle.}. Passover is on the 14th [Leviticus 23:5] of the 7th month and Jesus was in the grave 3 days and three nights. -- The flood wiped out the [original Garden of Eden earth] but it did not wipe out sin or the sin nature of humans. Noah a descendant of Adam has a sinful nature. God addressed this and God provided a Redemptive Plan for all of mankind included in God's redemptive plan is that God will not destroy the earth again with a flood. God made a covenant with Noah the 'Noahic Covenant' and also with all of the descendants of Noah which includes all of mankind because all of mankind has descended from Noah and his three sons. Up until the present day God has kept the [Noahic] covenant [the orderly functioning of the earth and sky] with all mankind as the earth has not flooded again and seedtime and harvest have continued. -- Genesis 8:20-22 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar [according to the Jewish customs - later codified into Jewish law through Moses]. And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living, as I have done. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Discovery of the real Noah’s Ark – Ron Wyatt – Part 1 (YouTube)
Archaeologist Ron Wyatt and his team discover Noah's Ark! Extremely interesting to watch. [link]
Discovery of the real Noah’s Ark – Ron Wyatt – Part 2 (YouTube)
The continuation and conclusion of Ron Wyatt's discovery of Noah's Ark! Conclusive evidence that shows the Great Flood is not a myth! [link] Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? – The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most widely known events in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, like other Bible accounts, it is often taken as a mere fairy tale – The Bible, though, is the true history book of the universe, and in that light, the most-asked questions about the Ark and Flood of Noah can be answered with authority and confidence
History has shown that technology can be lost. In Egypt, China, and the Americas the earlier dynasties built more impressive buildings or had finer art or better science. Many so-called modern inventions turn out to be re-inventions, like concrete, which was used by the Romans. Even accounting for the possible loss of technology due to the Flood, early post-Flood civilizations display all the engineering know-how necessary for a project like Noah's Ark. People sawing and drilling wood in Noah's day, only a few centuries before the Egyptians were sawing and drilling granite, is very reasonable! The idea that more primitive civilizations are further back in time is an evolutionary concept. In reality, when God created Adam, he was perfect. Today, the individual human intellect has suffered from 6,000 years of sin and decay. The sudden rise in technology in the last few centuries has nothing to do with increasing intelligence; it is a combination of publishing and sharing ideas, and the spread of key inventions that became tools for investigation and manufacturing. One of the most recent tools is the computer, which compensates a great deal for our natural decline in mental performance and discipline, since it permits us to gather and store information as perhaps never before. [link]
The Epic of Gilgamesh Flood and the Bible (YouTube)
Podcast Summary: Nowhere to Run (NTR) is a Revere Radio Network based conspiracy theory related talk show, hosted by Chris White of - New shows air every Wednesday night at 5pm central on [link]
Working Replica of Noah’s Ark Opens In SCHAGEN, Netherlands (Photos)
The massive central door in the side of Noah's Ark was thrown open Saturday for the first crowd of curious Pilgrims and townsfolk to behold the wonder. Of course, it's only a replica of the biblical Ark , built by Dutch Creationist Johan Huibers as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible. The ark is 150 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 20 cubits wide. That's two-thirds the length of a football field and as high as a three-story house. Life-size models of giraffes, elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, bison and other animals greet visitors as they arrive in the main hold. A contractor by trade, Huibers built the ark of cedar and pine -Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been. Huibers did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in May 2005. [link] Noah’s Ark Overview – Top Points to Consider – #7 matching [94 A.D.] Flavius Josephus’ statement “Its [Noah’s Ark’s] remains are shown there by the inhabitants to this day” (Photos)
Friends, please prayerfully consider the evidence you will see on Noah's Ark. It may not be important or necessary for you to learn of this discovery, but there are millions of people who need confirmation of biblical artifacts in order to strengthen their faith in God and the Bible. Satan is strongly attacking this and other discoveries in order to deceive men of God's truth. All the false stories about finding Noah's ark were created by Satan to "muddy the water," and cause disbelief in the genuine. [link] Biblical Archeology – Ron Wyatt’s “Discovered Series” (5 DVD Set $22)
The entire DVD series of the late Ron Wyatt's discoveries. This amazing series will show such discoveries as: The Red Sea Crossing site, Mt. Sinai, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Ark of the Covenant and dozens of other faith building discoveries! 4 hour, 20 minute DVD covering the all the discoveries, plus Ron Wyatt presentations. Select a larger quantity of 10 or 50 and receive a price reduction, perfect for you to resell or give away while spreading the word about the discoveries. [link] Biblical Archeology – Ron Wyatt’s “Discovered Series” (5 DVD Set $100)
The entire DVD series of the late Ron Wyatt's discoveries. This amazing series will show such discoveries as: The Red Sea Crossing site, Mt. Sinai, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Ark of the Covenant and dozens of other faith building discoveries! [link] INVESTIGATING GENESIS SERIES by Stephen Caesar – “Glaciers and the Flood” The Greenland ice cores have shown that it is a mistake to regard our own, relatively benign experience of the climate as the norm – The ice shows that the past was a period of intense instability (32 articles)
The last Ice Age, known as the Wisconsin, supposedly occurred about 20,000 years ago (according to flawed old-earth assumptions). By drilling down into the glaciers that currently cover 80% of Greenland, North GRIP has provided geologists with a witness to the rapid transition out of the Wisconsin. The New Yorker reported: "What the record [in the ice] shows is that it was a period of intense instability. The temperature did not rise slowly, or even steadily; instead, the climate flipped several times from temperate conditions back into those of an ice age, and then back again. Around fifteen thousand years ago, Greenland ABRUPTLY warmed by sixteen degrees IN FIFTY YEARS OR LESS. In one particularly traumatic episode some twelve thousand years ago, the mean temperature in Greenland shot up by fifteen degrees IN A SINGLE DECADE" (Kolbert 2002: 34 [emphases added]). The article noted that "scientists working on the Camp Century core [one of North GRIP's locations] weren't sure themselves what to make of what they had found" (Kolbert 2002: 34). Sigfus Johnsen, one of the scientists on the research team, commented, "It was too incredible, something we didn't expect at all" (Kolbert 2002: 34). The magazine also noted that another GRIP location, called Dye 3, "confirmed all the most significant Camp Century results, demonstrating that findings which had seemed anomalous were at least reproducible" (Kolbert 2002: 35). -- Most important is the apparent cause of these catastrophic temperature fluctuations - a massive infusion of fresh water into the oceans. This coincides with the Genesis Flood, which included a gargantuan amount of rain, as well as fresh water from below the earth's surface (Gen. 7:11). The New Yorker reported: "No known external force, or even any that has been hypothesized, seems capable of yanking the temperature back and forth as violently, and as often, as these cores have shown to be the case. Somehow, the climate system - through some vast and terrible feedback loop - must, it is now assumed, be capable of generating its own instabilities. The most popular hypothesis is that THE OCEANS ARE RESPONSIBLE. Currents like the Gulf Stream transfer heat in huge quantities from the tropics toward the poles, and if this circulation pattern could somehow be shut off - by, say A SUDDEN INFLUX OF FRESHWATER - it would have A SWIFT AND DRAMATIC IMPACT" (Kolbert 2002: 35 [emphases added]). -- Phrases such as "a sudden influx of freshwater" and "a swift and dramatic impact" certainly invoke images of the Biblical Flood. Moreover, as the article pointed out, the evidence for neo-catastrophism is so overwhelming that it has been embraced by nearly all geologists. [link]
Ancient Brass BELL Found Encased IN COAL supposed to be about 300 million years old! – the bell is an antediluvian [before the deluge, pre-flood] artifact made before the Genesis Flood (Noah’s Ark) – For more detailed pictures of the bell and the [idol] demon-like figure on top, click here (Photos)
In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years old! What is a brass bell with an iron clapper doing in coal ascribed to the Carboniferous Period? According to Norm Sharbaugh's book Ammunition (which includes several "coal anecdotes") the bell is an antediluvian artifact (made before the Genesis Flood). The Institute for Creation Research had the bell submitted to the lab at the University of Oklahoma. There a nuclear activation analysis revealed that the bell contains an unusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, arsenic, iodine, and selenium). -- Genesis 4:22 states that Tubal-Cain was "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron..." Perhaps when his civilization came to an end in the flood, this bell was buried with a mass of vegetation that became coal and ended up thousands of years later in Newt Anderson's coal bin. ... Later on, Newton Anderson spent a great deal of time researching the demon atop the bell. He discovered similarities to the Babylonian Southwest Wind Demon and the Hindu deity Garuda. Garuda is sometimes depicted on top of bells, as is the Egyptian Isis. [link]
OOPARTS (out of place artifacts) & ANCIENT HIGH TECHNOLOGY — Evidence of Noah’s Flood? – Do unexplained technologies of the ancients provide possible proofs of Pre-flood civilizations? – If you believe that the flood of Noah actually happened, what was the state of the technology of (antediluvian) pre-flooders? Could they have left physical evidence of their existence? – We expect you to use your own knowledge filter (Christian discernment) on this site
Point of View: We have a Biblical viewpoint on the world. Ooparts are evidence, we think, that the Flood actually happened. News items or magazine articles that report them may not have the same perspective that Christians do. When we read for instance, a scientific article that puzzles over our lack of genetic variability, we think of the Flood of Noah. We would include that article here, without editing, because we expect Christians to use their filters on such an article. That does not mean that we agree with the evolutionary timeframe given in said article. -- We think it's more interesting when general newspaper articles or science articles observe data that they might see one way, but that Christians might see another way given our own knowledge about God, creation and the flood. It's more interesting to quote Stephen Jay Gould saying that "the lack of transitional fossils is the trade secret of paleontology", than it might be to hear another Christian say it. So, no we don't believe the universe is millions or billions of years old. We don't know how old it is-we just know who created it and how long it took Him. We do not believe in pre-Adamic races, though we do believe that there were "civilizations" prior to the Flood. We don't believe in space aliens or cooties. We expect you to use your own knowledge filter on this site. [link]
Genesis 10 – The original League of Nations – Table of Nations from Genesis Chapters 10-11 – God’s Covenant relationship with Noah is extended to include all of mankind and all flesh upon the earth – Once departing from the Ark Noah and his family are commanded by God to again fill/populate the earth – The genealogy of the Table of Nations was probably compiled by Noah’s son Shem – these early descendants of Noah became the founders of the civilizations of the earth – The sons of Japheth [European Nations]: Gomer the Germans, Magog led to Scythian and Russian origins … The sons of Ham [African and Asian Nations]: … The sons of Shem [Hebrew (Jewish) and Arabic Nations]:
Note: [Genesis 9:1] Noah is again told to replenish the earth and to have dominion over it and over the animals. Mankind has been given dominion (government) over the earth but man does not have ownership of the earth. At no time was ownership ever given to mankind only dominion was given to Adam & Eve and later to Noah and his descendants but the ownership of the earth has not yet been provided to mankind. Since mankind did not at any time own the earth therefore the ownership of the earth has never been forfeited or lost by mankind and transferred to Satan or anyone else. Satan does not own the earth though Satan does continue to be a trespasser upon the earth. God is the original, continual and true owner of the earth -- Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. - Psalms 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. - Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. -- The meek shall inherit the earth because the ownership of the earth is going to remain in the possession of God. -- Psalm 2:7 I (God) will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto Me (Jesus), Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the heathen [gentile nations] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession [ownership].
The Rainbow – God’s Covenant With The World
The rainbow is a beautiful token of the Lord that continues to testify of the covenant that He made with the world and all flesh (Genesis 9:11-13). It is a perfect reminder of our Lord's protection and the keeping of His promises. In 2 Peter 3:3-6, Peter speaks of scoffers of the word who, in the last days, will deny the creation and the flood. This has most assuredly begun. In just the past one hundred and fifty years, creation has been mocked by many and replaced by theories of inorganic evolution and spontaneous generation. The flood has been denied as a universal event and is affirmed to be nothing more than a legendary story of oral tradition that has made its way into the holy Scriptures. The testimony of both creation and the flood has been forgotten by many in the world. ... Even though man might forget the promise God gave through the rainbow, the Lord has not forgotten. He is not slack concerning His promises, and He will follow through with them. Our Lord is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). [link]
The Table of Nations: Genesis Chapters 10-11 – Formal nations and their boundaries were established after the Flood in the Covenant with Noah. Before the Flood the earth was governed, evidently, by patriarchal family units
Formal nations and their boundaries were established after the Flood in the Covenant with Noah. Before the Flood the earth was governed, evidently, by patriarchal family units. The above insights show up in Paul's sermon Mars Hill in Athens: So Paul, standing in the middle of the Areopagus, said: "Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, 'To an unknown god.' What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything. And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for 'In him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your poets have said, 'For we are indeed his offspring.' Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead." (Acts 17:22-31). [link]
Genesis 11 – Nimrod the mighty Hunter of Sin and the Tower of Babel ‘Genesis 11:3 they had brick for stone, and slime [apparently the word slime in Hebrew denotes a tar (petroleum) product and led John D. Rockefeller to take his Standard Oil Co. over to Iraq to drill for oil] had they for morter [to build the tower of babel]’ – The confounding of the languages of people and the diversifying and spreading out of all people groups among the earth – The book of Job likely comes into history at this point just prior to Abraham being called by God – Abraham was probably not the oldest son of Terah but one of the younger sons, possibly the youngest son – Noah’s son Shem was still alive at this time and lived until Abraham was about 58 years old [possibly even living until after Abraham passed]
Note: It's doubtful that Abraham met Shem personally because Abraham is designated as the Father of the Faith 'Romans 4:11 that he (Abraham) might be the father of all them that believe' in other words Abraham is the first in the lineage to believe in the faith like we are all to believe today. we don't even have the faith of the Apostles, they saw the resurrected Jesus we still basically have the faith of Abraham the faith of hearing/reading the words of God and then obeying them. Before Abraham the world had Noah to tell of the flood and before that Adam to tell of creation. With the witness of Adam and creation and also the later witness of Noah with the Ark and the flood and then much later in the Upper Room after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with the witness of the Apostles then faith is witnessed and is based in part on the witness and interpretation of the person who witnesses the event or events. -- 'John:20-24-29 But Thomas, one of the twelve (Apostles), called Didymus [twin], was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. And after eight days again His disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith He to Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold My hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into My side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord and My God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.' Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' -- Faith is to be based completely on the Words and promises of God and not in human works or accomplishments, not in the seeing of the eyes or even by the experiencing with emotions or intellect but only by hearing in our heart the Words of God and believing in our heart in the Words as God has promised them to us.
John D. Rockefeller – John D. Rockefeller, a Trustee for what is now known as Exxon Corporation (formerly Standard Oil of New Jersey), first became interested in oil in 1863 – It began operation in the Middle East in 1928
Everyone has for many years been lead to believe that the Rockefellers were the people that owned and founded the Standard Oil Company and that the Rockefellers were the owners of banks and vast fortunes even from the mid-eighteen hundreds. The Rockefellers really were part of an elite group of men that became the front men for one family that really owned the wealth of this country. Because of the vastness of this empire the family had to have key people to head up the large corporation. They were put in controlling position of these companies and were made to look like they were the owners when in reality they were only the 'TRUSTEES', of these companies. John D. Rockefeller, a Trustee for what is now known as Exxon Corporation (formerly Standard Oil of New Jersey), first became interested in oil in 1863 when he was sent to Pennsylvania by a group of Cleveland. Ohio businessmen to investigate oil operations. At that time he was not impressed with, the producing end of the business, but he did see a future for the refining and marketing side. And on this premise he and his associates developed their holdings until Standard Oil Company was incorporated in 1877. -- These people were convinced that small local firms could be bought out because then they could not survive in the highly competitive oil business. Small businesses were bought out and they all became part of the huge Standard Oil Trust in 1882. Decisions were made bv an executive committee with Rockefeller as head. Standard Oil Company was incorporated in New Jersey on August 15, 1882, by the Standard Oil Trust. This oil company really owns all oil companies everywhere and all their subsidiaries. This oil company is owned by a little railroad line in North Carolina and that little railroad line was merged into the 1906 Southern Railway Merger that J. P. Morgan was so famous for. All of this was owned by one man by the name of Louis Cass Payseur. -- The true ownership has been hidden from the public eye because the family did not want to be known and also to avoid anti-trust laws. So it was set up with trustees to operate the company. The first Standard Oil marketing operation outside the United States was the formation of Anglo-American Oil Company. Ltd. in 1888. Next came the purchase of Deutsch-Amerikanische Petoleum-Gesellschaft in 1890, resident agents were established in the Far East by 1893. By 1895 the company had built up an ocean going fleet of ships (which were the extension of the railroad around the world) to supply this growing foreign trade. Its first tanker was built in 1886. The increasing need for crude oil forced the company to engage in larger production of crude oil. The company had production operations in Pennsylvania. Ohio and Indiana by 1889. In the late 1890's and early 1900's new oil was discovered to the West, so the company engaged in the search for oil in Illinois. Kansas. Oklahoma. Louisiana. Texas, and California. These discoveries required that the manpower be increased and new subsidiaries be formed and a new TRUSTEE had to be appointed to head these companies in oil rich western America. Names like Sinclair, Getty, Kerr-McGee, Phillips. Champlin just to name a few. Are you beginning to get the big picture. All this can be backed up with legal courthouse documents. ... It just makes good sense to own the companies that produce the goods that supply another facet of your business empire. All part of transportation and communication. Some of the other names that you can connect to Standard Oil are Esso. -- The Carter oil Company formed in 1893 to produce oil in West Virginia. International Petroleum Company was established in 1917 to operate newly acquired properties in Peru. Then came Humble Oil refining Company of Texas. Just to make note of some other names it does business as is Amoco, Sunoco, Vaccum Oil etc. and the list goes on and on. A policy set in the 1920's showed that Standard intended to continue interest in foreign production. It began operation in the Middle East in 1928 and investigated oil prospects in Mexico and Colombia. The country of Colombia was an important oil source for the company by 1926. -- The unbalance in transportation facilities was corrected by creating a new United States flag fleet operating directly by the parent company. ... Standard Oil Company of New Jersey's name was changed in 1948 to Esso Standard Oil Company and under the new name continued to operate all refineries and marketing facilities. Foreign marketing facilities were strengthened in 1948 by the acquisition of Soc. du Naphte S. A. (Switzerland) which marketed in various Middle East countries. Foreign production was added by acquisition of a large interest in Arabian American Oil Company in 1948. November 1, 1972, the company changed its name to Exxon corporation. The name was also adopted by the company's United States subsidiaries. Divisions and affiliated companies of Exxon Corporation operate in the United States and about 100 other countries. Their principal business is energy, involving exploration for and production of crude oil and natural gas, manufacturing of petroleum products and transportation and sale crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products, exploration for and mining sale of coal. [link]
Genesis 12-14 – Abraham comes back from Egypt and Returns to Bethel (House of God) in the Promise land (Israel) – Abraham and his Nephew Lot come to an amenable parting of the ways – Lot seeing with his eyes chooses to dwell near Sodom while Abraham choosing to dwell with God moves to Hebron [near modern Jerusalem] – Abraham was to arise and walk through the land ‘Genesis 13:17 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee’ – to take possession and appropriate the promises of God into his life – Later Abraham meets Melchizedek King of Righteousness and Peace the Priest of the Most High God – Abraham gives a tithe a tenth of all he owns to Melchizedek – Melchizedek blesses Abraham – ‘Genesis 14:22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand [in praise and worship] unto the LORD, The Most High God, The Possessor Of Heaven And Earth’
Melchizedek the name means King of Righteousness and Peace, He is the Priest of the Most High God. This is the first mention of a Priest in the Bible. The idea of a priest comes from the conciseness of the Holiness of God and of the sinfulness of man, in order for a man to touch God to go into the presence of the Holy God man will need a mediator a go between, a priest. The ministry of the priest was twofold the priest was to go before God for the people and then the priest [or a prophet] would return and tell the people a message from God if there was one. - Melchizedek's birth is not recorded and his death is not yet recorded because Melchizedek is eternal, without genealogy and without death He lives on forever 'Hebrews 7:3 [Melchizedek] Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest Continually.' ... 'Psalms 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou (Jesus Christ) art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.' Jesus is our [Christian, heavenly] High Priest after the order of Melchizedek not after the earthly Levitical/Aaronic priesthood. The episode of Melchizedek was enacted into the Bible's history of the Old testament to reveal to mankind even before the establishing of the Levitical/Aaronic priesthood that mankind would know that there is indeed a better priesthood a holy, eternal, established priesthood of Melchizedek. As Jesus reigns He is Melchizedek "The LORD, The Most High God, The Possessor Of Heaven And Earth." Abraham – Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah and the 20th from Adam – Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as the “Abrahamic religions” because of the progenitor role Abraham plays in their holy books – In the Jewish tradition, he is called Avraham Avinu or “Abraham, our Father” – [In the Christian tradition,] God promised Abraham that through his offspring (Jesus), all the nations of the world will come to be blessed (Genesis 12:3), interpreted in Christian tradition as a reference particularly to Christ – For Muslims, he is a prophet of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through his other son Ishmael
Abraham features in the Book of Genesis as the founding patriarch of the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Midianites and Edomite peoples. He is widely regarded as the patriarch of Jews, Christians, and Muslims and a prime believer in monotheism. According to Genesis 17:5, his name was changed by God from Abram (probably meaning "the father is exalted") to Abraham, a name which Genesis explains as meaning "father of many". -- Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah and the 20th from Adam. His father was Terah, and his brothers were Nahor and Haran. According to Genesis, Abraham was sent by God from his home in Ur Kasdim and Harran to Canaan, the land promised to his descendants by Yahweh. There Abraham entered into a covenant: in exchange for recognition of YHWH as his God, Abraham will be blessed with innumerable progeny and the land would belong to his descendants. -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as the "Abrahamic religions" because of the progenitor role Abraham plays in their holy books. In the Jewish tradition, he is called Avraham Avinu or "Abraham, our Father". God promised Abraham that through his offspring, all the nations of the world will come to be blessed (Genesis 12:3), interpreted in Christian tradition as a reference particularly to Christ. Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider him father of the people of Israel through his son Isaac (cf. Exodus 6:3, Exodus 32:13) by his wife Sarah. For Muslims, he is a prophet of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through his other son Ishmael - born to him by his servant, Hagar. (Jews and Christians refer to Hagar as Sarah's servant). Abraham is also a progenitor of the Semitic tribes of the Negev who trace their descent from their common ancestor Sheba (Genesis 10:28). [link]
Basic Christian Article: Who is Melchizedek? – An Eight Part Article Introduction
Coming Soon the Basic Christian Article: Who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20) is a higher multidimensional being. Melchizedek exists outside of our own human time and space dimensions (restrictions). Humans exist in and are limited to the first three physical dimensions (length, height, width) and also the fourth dimension (restriction) of time. The spiritual realm of demons, angels and in part the coming Antichrist exists in the less restricted 5th and 6th dimensions. In fact the coming Antichrist is going to bring down or "contact" the 5th and 6th dimensions and infuse 4th dimensional human beings with 5th dimensional demons [Nephilim spirits] and 6th dimensional fallen [Satanic] angelic spirit beings consequently orchestrating 5th and 6th dimensional miracles and signs and wonders in order to deceive mankind. So who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek is the manifestation of the infinite dimensional (infinite dimensions - no restrictions - unrestricted) God in Person. Melchizedek is God the Holy Spirit in Person. Melchizedek is the Order of the Holy Spirit Priesthood. -- Note: In the Basic Christian article "Who is Melchizedek?" the 8 dimensions (restrictions) are listed in conjunction with the original creation week (Genesis 1:1-2:4) and are categorized as follows: 1. Length [Day one creation - light separated [Judgment] (length) from darkness] 2. Height [Day two creation - divided the waters above from the waters below] 3. Width [Day three creation - dry land and plants] 4. Time [Day four creation - sun, moon, stars for times and seasons] 5. Demonic - demons [Day five creation - fish from the waters below, birds from the waters above] 6. Angelic - Holy Angels and also Satan with all of his fallen angels [Day six creation - land animals and humans (pre-fall) - humans the highest part of creation created separate and above the animals and equal to the angels but with sin mankind fell from the 6th dimension to the 4th dimension, in fact with the sin of mankind all of creation also fell from its original creation status] 7. Human Salvation redeemed by the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ [Day seven creation - Rest] 8. Unrestricted [outside of creation] - The only Unrestricted, Eternal, Wise, ∞ Infinite, Almighty God consisting of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. -- Genesis 2:4 These are the generations [dimensions] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens ... [link]
Genesis 15-16 – God’s Covenant Relationship with Abraham – The land of Israel belongs to the Jews, there would be many future descendants, the Messiah (Christ) would appear through the line of Abraham [though King David] – The first mention of the appearance of the “Angel of the Lord” an appearance to humans of Jesus Christ in human form – A covenant is a final agreement as final as a Will or a Testimony – Abraham was not yet accounted as righteous either by circumcision [24 years later] or by the law [430 years later] as both were not yet given – Abraham was accounted righteous by belief in the Word of God the acceptability of the covenant and the acceptability of the blood sacrifice sealing the covenant – Note: a Biblical covenant is revealed to be irreversible [given life] by sealing the covenant in blood (Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood – the life of the covenant is in the blood) the life of the blood transfers into the life of the covenant [the final (life) covenant between God and man is sealed on the cross in the blood and death of Jesus Christ – In Jesus Christ we have received the ultimate eternal sacrifice and life covenant – His is both a New and an Eternal Living covenant in that Jesus has Resurrected from the dead and is eternally Alive!
Note: Along with the covenant with Abraham God revealed that Abraham and his descendants would be not be settled into their own land (Israel) for at least another 400 years. 'Genesis 15:13-14 And He (God) said unto Abram (Abraham), Know of a surety that thy seed (descendants) shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation [Egypt], whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.' - It's probable that the account of the 400 years of affliction was from the night of the covenant between God and Abraham "and they shall afflict them four hundred years" until the night of the Passover in Egypt 430 years to the day later [only 30 years during that time were not years of affliction]. It's likely that the affliction included their time in Canaan as well as the other places where they sojourned before eventually going into Egypt where Joseph was serving Pharaoh. The Hebrews (Jews) didn't need to go to Egypt to be afflicted, Egypt and the policies of Egypt afflicted the whole world and also their wanderings and travels in and around Canaan (ancient Israel) itself were generally a time of affliction, famine, peril and distress for them long before going down to Egypt. The events of Isaac with Abimelech [Genesis 26], Jacob with his brother Esau [Genesis 28], Jacob with his father in law Laban [Genesis 29-31], Shechem raping Dinah and the revenge of her two brothers Simeon and Levi [Genesis 34] are just a few examples of the many perils the Hebrew family faced. -- 'Exodus 12:40-41 Now the sojourning [since the night of the covenant with Abraham] of the children of Israel, who [later] dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day [the exact same day 430 years later as the covenant with Abraham] it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out [the night of the Passover] from the land of Egypt.' -- 'Genesis 35:28 And the days of Isaac were an hundred and fourscore (180) years. And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and was gathered unto his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.' 'Genesis 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites [Canaan] is not yet full.' - Abraham was 75 years old when he made the covenant with God [430 years to the day before the Passover Exodus night] then Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born [Genesis 21:5] and Isaac lives for 180 years and died about the time Joseph was sold into slavery into Egypt where later Jacob and the rest of the family follow Joseph into Egypt. Approximately twenty-five years from the night of the covenant with God until the birth of Isaac and then 180 years in the life of Isaac makes about 205 years before Jacob's family went into Egypt as a family to later emerge from Egypt as a Nation, the Nation comprised of the 12 family tribes Judah and Israel. That would be about 225 years in Egypt for the total of 430 years. Certainly there were only four generations in Egypt from Levi to Moses [Levi -> Kohath -> Amram {father} -> Moses] or [Jacob -> Levi -> Jochebed {mother} -> Moses] it was about 225 years and four generations in Egypt before the Passover night. What is the Abrahamic Covenant? – There are three main features to the Abrahamic Covenant – 1. The promise of land – 2. The promise of descendants – 3. The promise of blessing and redemption (the Messiah – Jesus Christ)
There are three main features to the Abrahamic Covenant: 1. The promise of land (Genesis 12:1). God called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to a land that He would give him (Genesis 12:1). This promise is reiterated in Genesis 13:14-18 where it is confirmed by a shoe covenant; its dimensions are given in Genesis 15:18-21 (precluding any notion of this being fulfilled in heaven). The land aspect of the Abrahamic Covenant is also expanded in Deuteronomy 30:1-10, which is the Palestinian Covenant. 2. The promise of descendants (Genesis 12:2). God promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of him. Abraham, who was 75 years old and childless (Genesis 12:4), was promised many descendants. This promise is amplified in Genesis 17:6 where God promised that nations and kings would descend from the aged patriarch. This promise (which is expanded in the Davidic Covenant of 2 Samuel 7:12-16) would eventuate in the Davidic throne with Messiah's kingdom rule over the Hebrew people. 3. The promise of blessing and redemption (Genesis 12:3). God promised to bless Abraham and the families of the earth through him. This promise is amplified in the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34; cf. Hebrews 8:6-13) and has to do with "Israel's spiritual blessing and redemption." Jeremiah 31:34 anticipates the forgiveness of sin. The unconditional and eternal nature of the covenant is seen in that the covenant is reaffirmed to Isaac (Genesis 21:12; 26:3-4). The "I will" promises suggest the unconditional aspect of the covenant. The covenant is further confirmed to Jacob (Genesis 28:14-15). It is noteworthy that God reaffirmed these promises amid the sins of the patriarchs, which fact further emphasizes the unconditional nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. [link] The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger (Paperback)
Product Description: Building upon ancient astronomical sources and modern scientific data, Bullinger shows how the constellations witness to the accuracy of biblical prophetic truths. A classic Kregel bestseller. -- About the Author: E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913) was a direct descendant of Johann H. Bullinger, the Swiss reformer. Bullinger was a lifelong scholar and writer studying at King's College, London. In 1862 he was ordained in the Church of England. He is also the author of the notes and appendixes of The Companion Bible and the author of numerous works including Commentary on Revelation, Great Cloud of Witnesses, How to Enjoy the Bible, and Number in Scripture. [link]
Mazzaroth (Zodiac in Hebrew is Mazzaroth) – Chuck Missler — Signs in the Heavens #2 – Chuck Missler (FREE Mp3’s)
Mazzaroth - Chuck Missler #00452.mp3 -- Signs in the Heavens #2 - Chuck Missler #00066.mp3 [link]
K-House: Signs in the Heavens – Is there a message hidden behind the ‘Signs of the Zodiac’? – Are there secrets hidden in the original names of the constellations? (Purchase Audio)
What we know as the "Signs of the Zodiac" is known in Hebrew as "the Mazzaroth." This briefing pack explores the possibility that the Mazzaroth, the pre-Babylonian original, anticipated God's total plan for mankind. [link]
Genesis 17-18 – Abraham is told to walk before God and to be blameless (complete) [completed not in works but in a Spiritual relationship and fellowship with God] – Abram’s name is changed to Abraham with the -ah- breath of life [God inside] added to Abram and Sarai receiving the breath of life from God becomes Sarah – Abraham receives the covenant of circumcision (the cutting away of the life of flesh and the new life of walking with the spirit of God) – the birth of Isaac is promised and Isaac is to be born as Abraham’s heir [his only son] to receive the inheritance of the covenants and promises of God to Abraham – The destruction of the cities Sodom and Gomorrah is foretold
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - the outcry is great. There is an outcry to God in horrible unrighteousness. 'Genesis 4:9 9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And He said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.' Note: in the destruction of the cities Sodom and Gomorrah the main sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was idleness of hands and a misdirected life. They had misdirected their purpose and being of life into other various non-godly pursuits. 'Isaiah 1:9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we [Israel - those governed by God] should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.' -- "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me." -- 'Ezekiel 16:48-50 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou [Israel - those governed by God] hast done, thou and thy daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.'
The Physical remains of Sodom and Gomorrah – Ron Wyatt Part 1 (YouTube)
Ron Wyatt shows you actual physical remains of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah! [link]
The Physical remains of Sodom and Gomorrah – Ron Wyatt Part 2 (YouTube)
The conclusion of Ron Wyatt's discovery of the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah. [link]
Genesis 19-20 – The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah – Righteous Lot is spared the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah – Abraham once again sojourns towards Egypt but this time does not cross the border into Egypt – In the Philistine city of Gerar [near Egypt] Sara becomes a part of the Philistine King Abimelech’s harem though God prevents Abimelech from touching Sarah – The pagan King Abimelech rebukes the children of God Abraham and Sarah for their conduct in pretending to be brother and sister when in fact they were husband and wife
How tragic it is when the servants of God fail to the point of being rebuked by the pagan world. We are each like Abraham and Sarah in that God will often put us in circumstances to point out the areas of weakness in our life but only for the purpose that He might make us stronger. Abraham's faith did develop and grow as in the next event in Abraham's life he offered up to God his greatest moment of faith. The faith of Abraham in trusting God to continue the life of Isaac continuing the generations of promised seed even after God calls for Isaac to be a sacrifice as a burnt offering. Note: In Biblical times in becoming a harem member for a King there was at least a yearlong process for the girls that involved a grooming, training, instruction and Etiquette that each harem members underwent before they went to be with the King. There were already plenty of harem members for the King so there wasn't a rush for members but a major factor in the long delay before being with the King was the ability to assess the health and stability of the women the King's servants didn't want to stricken the King with an illness or an unpleasant experience if they could help it. So in the context of the times Sarah would have been in Abimelech's harem but God orchestrated events to have her removed before her instruction and orientation time was completed.
Genesis 21-22 – Abraham the Prophet enacts the sacrifice of his beloved only son Isaac – In what would become Abraham’s greatest moment of faith – The faith that God is life and that He can raise his son from the dead if indeed he had been sacrificed as a burnt offering accordingly as God had instructed — ‘Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac [at Mt. Mariah]: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure [a type of Jesus Christ].’ – ‘Genesis 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself (Jesus Christ) a lamb for a burnt offering’ and 2,000 years later Jesus Christ the Son of God on that very place provided Himself as a lamb for our eternal sacrifice offering
For three days Abraham counted Isaac as dead [three days in the grave] as he journeyed to Mt. Mariah to place Isaac upon an alter that would be made from wood the wood that Isaac himself would carry up the hill (Golgotha) as a part of the sacrifice to God then the third day [resurrection] God spared Isaac's life as God declared that He would offer Himself the sacrifice on Mt. Mariah and 2,000 years later the sacrifice of the beloved Son of God the only begotten Son Jesus Christ was offered on a wooden cross that like Isaac Jesus Himself carried to the place of sacrifice. Note: Abraham the Prophet was sent by God to Mt. Mariah (Calvary) to enact the sacrifice of his "only son" [the future sacrifice of Jesus Christ also on Mt. Mariah]. -- 'James 2:21-23 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? [Yes.] Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect [complete]? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God [Abraham believed God to continue (resurrect) the life of Isaac, the life of promise as Abraham laid Isaac upon the alter of sacrifice], and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God' -- Abraham in his lifetime had many children but only one child Isaac was elevated to a son in status. Isaac received the inheritance of the covenants of God from his father Abraham. In the Biblical concept of Sonship the children do not receive the inheritance only the sons do. A child once adopted and received by the father as a son then receives the blessings and inheritance of a son. A child is first born into the family ('born again' by the Holy Spirit in the case of a Christian) then the child enters into the presence of the father and in the presence of the father the [earthly father can choose to adopt the child or not] [God the Father in Heaven adopts all of His children 'Ephesians 1:5 Having "predestinated" us unto the adoption of children (lit. sons huiothesia 5206) by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will'] the father then Adopts his child giving him adult authority and adult privileges and makes him a partaker in his kingdom to receive an inheritance of the kingdom of the father.
Holy Bible: Genesis 22:1-18 … Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off … I and the lad [Isaac] will go yonder and worship [acknowledge that God gives life to the dead], and come again to you, And Abraham took the wood [cross] of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son … and they went both of them together [they waked together in agreement] … And he [Isaac] said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering
Genesis 22:1-18 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains [Mt. Mariah - Calvary] which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you, And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together. And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from Me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. [link]
Genesis 23-24 – The death and passing of Sarah – [Genesis 23:6] Abraham “a mighty prince” of God pays the full price for a burial plot for Sarah – The oldest [most reliable] servant is sent off to the ancestral land to find a bride for the beloved only son Isaac – Many Biblical ‘types’ are in use during these events of the Bible – Abraham is a type of God the Father, Isaac is a type of the beloved only son Jesus Christ, Sarah is a type of the Nation of Israel [removed from the scene after the sacrifice offering] and Rebecca as the bride of the son is a type of the Christian Church {Note: now the Nation of Israel (Sarah) is back on the scene and the Hebrews are once again in Israel signifying a wrapping up and a near conclusion to the Christian Church (Rebecca) age with a corresponding End Time reemergence of the Israel (Sarah) age.}
Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave at Machpelah. -- 'Genesis 23:16 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant.' Note: Abraham was offered the land and the cave as a burial plot for Sarah for free however Abraham knowing that death is not free and knowing that death has a price Abraham asked the price of the burial plot. The price was steep and Abraham knowing that death cannot be negotiated with did not negotiate but paid the full asking price for the burial location. Jesus Christ also knowing full well that death has a price, a steep price, and that death will not be negotiated with Jesus Christ paid the price of sin and death and He like Abraham paid it in full forever releasing us from our sin burden and of the resulting debt to death. 'Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross.' ... The 'oldest servant' a type of the Holy Spirit is sent to woo a bride for the son. The servant tells the bride of the majesty of the son, of the status of the son and of their future together in close intimate fellowship. Like Rebecca as we respond to the call of the servant to unite with the Son Jesus Christ the servant adorns us with gifts, with raiment and with adorning. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are a foretaste of the glory of God's eternal Kingdom. 'Genesis 24:58 And they called Rebekah (Rebecca), and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.' Rebecca responded "I will go [and be the bride]" like Rebecca we are invited to go, to become the bride of the beloved son Jesus Christ. 'Psalms 45:11 So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for He is thy Lord; and worship thou Him.'
Genesis 25-26 – After the passing of Sarah then Abraham [Genesis 17:4] the father of many nations took Keturah as a wife and among their descendants are the nations of Medan, Midian, Sheba, and Dedan – Abraham lived to be 175 years old and at his passing Abraham was buried with Sarah at the cave of Machpelah – Both Isaac and Ishmael attended the funeral of their father Abraham – Rebecca becomes pageant with twins ‘Genesis 25:23 And the LORD said unto her (Rebecca), Two nations (Jacob/Israel and Esau/Edomites) [Herod the Great was an Edomite – Herod was the (Rome/Cesar inserted) King over Israel at the time of Jesus] are in thy womb’ – Esau sells his firstborn ‘birthright’ to Jacob – Isaac is blessed by God and received a hundredfold blessing [the only mention of a hundredfold blessing in the Bible because Isaac is a type of Jesus Christ who is blessed a hundredfold beyond measure]
Isaac was commanded to remain in the promise land (Israel) his entire life not to depart from it and actually not to settle in one place but to wander and sojourn throughout the land. -- 'Genesis 26:2-3 2 And the LORD appeared unto him (Isaac), and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: Sojourn in this land (Israel), and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father' -- but like his father Isaac also ventured to the Philistine city of Gerar near the border of Egypt and like his father the journey to the border, to the edge of the promise land was also a near disastrous for Isaac. Both Abraham and Isaac ventured to Gerar a place where they really didn't belong because of a famine [or a perceived famine] in the promise land [many others remained in Canaan throughout the 'famine' times] and just like his father Abraham when Isaac came into Gerar he instructed his wife Rebecca to tell the people that she was his sister because like his father he feared for his life in the city. This is a real good illustration that we each have to face our own trials just because or parents or others faced certain trials it doesn't mean that we will not face them and surprisingly enough we can often fail in the same challenges that our fathers failed and in the same trials that we see others failing in even though we know the outcome of the testing before we are even tempted. ... Also Note: Abraham and Isaac the children of God were opening up wells in the desert and Abraham marked his wells with a Tamarisk tree [a tree with bright flowers] so others could find the wells and drink from them. Yet the enemies of God spent their time closing and concealing the wells to deny people the opportunity to drink from them. -- Isaiah 12:2-3 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Genesis 27-28 – Jacob with the help of his mother Rebecca he puts on a disguise and steals Esau’s firstborn ‘blessing’ – Esau a man after the flesh wanted just the blessings of God though he didn’t want to repent before the blessings – his tears were not over repentance but over the loss of the blessing – During her pregnancy with the twins God had given her the sovereign declaration that the older (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob) – however Isaac now in his soul not serving God in his spirit wants’ to bless Esau not Jacob as God had informed Rebecca years earlier to do – Rebecca and Jacob took matters upon themselves to try to bring about the promises of God – the results were disastrous and Rebecca in a sense lost her son Jacob as he had to flee the anger of his brother and she never again saw her Jacob – Isaac who thought he was on his deathbed lived for another 43 years and did see Jacob again [Genesis 35:27] at the end of his life after Jacob had returned from his 20 year flight from his brother Esau’s vengeance
The purposes and declarations of God are going to stand regardless of what mankind does, we cannot stop or advance beyond their time the purposes of God. God will accomplish His plans if not through His people then through others including non-believers. Rebecca and Jacob were following the terrible philosophy of the day that the end result [the desired blessing] would justify (make right) the wrong deeds [the deceit and lies] along the way. The Apostle Paul calls this a damnable heresy "whose damnation is just" -- 'Romans 3:8 And not rather, as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say, Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.' -- After the deception Jacob flees for his life and while passing through Bethel Jacob like his grandfather Abraham encounters God at Bethel and God reiterates to Jacob the promises given to Abraham and later God will reiterate those same promises to King David. Note: Jacob's ladder, Jacob with his head at rest upon the rock (Jesus Christ) sees heaven open and angels ascending and descending upon a ladder that is able to connect both Heaven (the dwelling of God) and the earth (the dwelling of man). In the Gospel of John it is recorded that Jesus himself did confirm that He is Jacob's ladder the only access for mankind to the Father in Heaven. - 'John 1:51 And He (Jesus) saith unto him (Nathanael - one of the twelve disciples), Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.' Jacob had become aware of the presence of God in his life 'Genesis 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not' then Jacob took the rock exalting it by making and alter with it he anointed the rock with some of his oil of acceptance. -- 'Genesis 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.'
Genesis 29-30 – Jacob completed his 500 mile journey escaping to his Uncle Laban’s – Jacob meets Laban’s daughter Rachael – Jacob agrees to work for Laban for seven years for Rachel’s hand in marriage – Laban tricks Jacob into seven more years of labor by substituting her older sister Leah in the marriage ceremony – Note: Jacob had tricked his father by substituting himself for the blessing of his brother Esau and now he is deceived in receiving Leah in marriage instead of Rachel
Note: Jacob had to renegotiate his working wages with Laban 10 times and the last agreement was that Jacob would get the speckled and striped animals from the flocks and herds while Laban would keep any purebred animals in his flocks. Jacob took some tree branches and stripped the bark from them and placed the bare branches at the bottom of the water troughs. It's though that Jacob having the tougher mongrel sheep and goats thought that if the branches under water looked like snakes then the purebred animals wouldn't want to drink from the water and wouldn't enter heat but his mongrels would drink and would reproduce more abundantly. 'Genesis 30:42 so the feebler [livestock] were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.' -- Laban himself had been practicing 'enchantments' Genesis 30:27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favor in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience (enchantments) that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.' Jacob probably thought that he had to fight witchcraft with his own version of manipulations however that turned out not to be the case as Jacob was just practicing a needless wives' tale and in the end after Jacob's latest round of work and manipulations Jacob admitted that it was indeed God that had prospered his flocks and not his schemes or manipulations. -- 'Genesis 31:5 ... the God of my father hath been with me.'
Genesis 31-32 – God reminds Jacob of the vow Jacob made back in Bethel to follow God ‘Genesis 28:21 So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God’ – Jacob takes his two wives (Rachael and Leah) his children and all of his possessions to depart Laban’s company and go back to his birthplace in the land of Canaan – In route back to Canaan Laban catches up with Jacob from behind – While Esau rides out with 400 men to meet and possibly destroy Jacob from the front – In the midst of all of Jacob’s dilemmas the ‘Angel of the Lord’ steps in and Jacob strives and wrestles not just with men but now also with the Lord ‘the Angel of the Lord’ and through wrestling with the Lord Jacob comes to the end of his abilities he submits to God and being transformed he is no longer Jacob he now becomes Israel
Note: 'Genesis 31:29 It is in the power of my (Laban's) hand to do you hurt: but the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad. 'Genesis 32:7-8 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands; And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape.' -- Jacob found himself between two hard places and a rock, he couldn't go back because of Laban and he couldn't go forward because of Esau and he wouldn't really look up because of his own stubborn limitations. Much of Jacob's dilemma was due to his own making in his own ability to outwit and swindle those around him. Jacob's strengths of seeing an opportunity and taking it had turned into his weakness in dealing with both man and God. Now alone and stranded between two opposing forces Jacob discovers again that there is yet another dimension 'the Angel of the Lord' a more crucial dimension to his situation. 'Genesis 32:24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man [the Angel of the Lord] with him until the breaking of the day.' 'Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.' Jacob in his sense of insecurity wrestles the entire night with 'the Angel of the Lord' unwilling to let go until he is blessed by God but not knowing that letting go was exactly what he need to do to become blessed. 'The Angel of the Lord' finally put Jacob's leg out of joint and now physically ailing Jacob prevailed and submits to God Who acknowledging that Jacob was no longer striving with God blessed Jacob and made him Israel the Nation of the Redeemer. -- Hosea 12:4-5 Yea, he (Jacob) had power over [to encounter] the Angel [the Angel of the Lord], and prevailed [in finally coming around to allowing God's plan for his life]: he wept, and made supplication [asking for a blessing] unto Him [He blessed him and changed his name from Jacob to Israel]: he found Him in Bethel, and there He spake with us; Even the LORD God of hosts; the LORD is his memorial.
Genesis 33-34 – Faced with the dangers of Esau’s approach Jacob separates his family exposing Leah and her children to the dangers up front while retaining Rachael and Joseph back in relative safety with himself – The separating of the children highlighted and extended current divisions among the family and within the children of the family and created new animosities among the family of Israel that have stubbornly continually persisted even unto the present day and age – Jacob meets Esau for the first time since fleeing his vengeance – Esau invites Jacob to stay, Jacob immediately departs Esau’s presence and continues on his own way
Note: There is a Biblical progression of the believer. 'Romans 8:30 Moreover whom He (God) did predestinate [as Isaac was predestined - children of God are predestined to become sons of God], them He also called [as Abraham was called]: and whom He called, them He also justified [as Jacob was justified]: and whom He justified, them He also Glorified [as Joseph was glorified].' First an individual has to answer the call of God to come out of the world to separate from this world and to walk in a relationship with God as Abraham was called to walk with God. Those who have answered the call having left the world and are 'born again' in the promise land [heaven] as Isaac was born in the land [promised to Abraham] and remain in the promise land as Isaac remained in the land they become children of God and once a child then predestined to become a son of God. The predestined children of God are justified (conformed into the image of God in Jesus Christ) and elected to an office a duty for God's Kingdom as Jacob was justified from Jacob to Israel and elected [duty to perform] to be the father of the 12 tribes (family groups) that would comprise the entire nation of Israel the nation that would safely bring the redeemer to mankind. In completing the task and honoring God the justified and elected Christian is also glorified (accomplished) as Joseph (a Biblical type of Jesus) was glorified [covered in clothing (righteousness) and given the (adoption) signet ring of Sonship and authority] having saved the family from famine and reuniting the family back together under one roof all while being raised up from the pit of prison (death and hell) to be a ruler in all of the world, all of Egypt. - Also Note: With the rape of Dinah their sister [Genesis 34:1-31] and in vengeance two of her brothers Simeon and Levi destroyed an entire city, [without the foreknowledge of Jacob who completely disapproved of their actions and later Jacob diminished their blessings because of their actions]. It might seem like a tall tale that only two men could destroy an entire city and it might seem like an ancient fluke that it could happen however the warfare that Simon and Levi practiced is now the concept of the most modern, most devastating warfare of our day. First nonlethal force is applied (the entire city being circumcised) in modern times loud piercing audio sounds and or accompanying noxious 'ray gun' type transmissions will easily incapacitate an entire neighborhood and then once incapacitated a few operatives like Levi and Simon can quickly and easily decide to dispatch, capture or leave alone each incapacitated individual. Coming later in Egypt we will learn how the entire nation, a very prosperous, diverse and secure nation, quickly became ruined and the possession of a single ruler (Pharaoh) yet another concept that is very important in our time and day.
Genesis 35-37 – God brings Jacob and his family back to Bethel and instructs Jacob to make an alter to Him there – God also instructs them to put away their strange gods and to change their clothing so Jacob buries their accumulated idols under an oak tree and they changed their clothes – [Jacob’s mother] Rebecca’s nurse Deborah dies – Rachel gives birth to her second son Ben-oni and passes away in childbirth – Jacob renames Ben-oni to Benjamin
Note: In these early chapters of the Bible the Bible is still dealing in types. Jacob is now somewhat a type of God the Father, his wife Rachael is now a type of the Nation of Israel and Joseph the son is a type of Jesus Christ [Joseph is the most exact type of Jesus Christ found in the Bible even surpassing King David in similarity to Jesus Christ]. As Rachel dies in childbirth she names the child Ben-oni 'son of her sorrow' the father Jacob then renames Ben-oni to Benjamin 'son of my right hand.' Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ and Benjamin his only full brother is a type of the Christian Church. Benjamin [the Christian Church] was born of the Jewish Rachel and to the Jewish Rachel Benjamin is Ben-omi 'the son of her sorrow' it has been in sorrow that the Christian Church has been brought into the world and exists at the passing [scattering, Diaspora] of Rachel [the Nation of Israel] but to God the Father (Jacob) when He sees Ben-omi [the Christian Church] He sees the full family, he sees Joseph [Jesus] in Ben-omi and to Him he is a son of this right hand. - Also Note: Joseph's status as chosen heir is rejected by his ten older brothers and they cast him into a dry well [Sheol, Hades, Hell]. Simon seems to be the main instigator in the planned death of Joseph while Ruben persuades the others not to immediately kill him but to first cast him into the well. With Joseph down the well the brothers are discussing his ultimate fate when a caravan of Ishmaelites (descendants of Ishmael) passed by and Judah then saves Joseph's life by selling him to the Ishmaelites (Ishmeelites - alternate spelling) for twenty pieces of silver. Apparently a caravan of Midianites came on the scene and they actually took Joseph out of the well and sold him to the Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites were seemingly unwilling to rescue Joseph out of the well because they are related as Ishmael is a son of Abraham and they would have been obligated to return Joseph safely back to his father Jacob but the Midianites also related through Lot saw no problem with rescuing Joseph out of the well to then sell him to the Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites having ultimately bought Joseph from the Midianites took Joseph to Egypt where they sold him as a slave. The betrayal and selling of Joseph into slavery was a real family affair with the Israelites selling him to the Midianites who sold him to the Ishmaelites who then took him to Egypt and sold him to the Egyptian Potiphar.
Joseph and Jesus (9 Parts) by Dr. Calvin Ray Evans • Part one 46 min. “The Bloody Coat” Highly Recommended (Mp3’s)
Evangelistic Outreach Ministries with Dr. Calvin Evans and Dr. Calvin Ray Evans proclaim the Gospel through radio, television, world missions, Christian literature, crusades, church and revival meetings. We covet your prayers because our God brings the lost to Himself as a result of your prayers. And bringing the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ is what we are all about. [link]
Genesis 38-39 – Judah marries the Canaanite woman Shuah and they have three children Er, Onan and Shelah – Both Er and Onan receive the judgment of God and are slain – Judah’s wife Shuah passes away – Judah mistakenly sleeps with his daughter inlaw and she delivers twin sons Zarah and Pharez – Judah is the eventual line of King David and later Jesus Christ through the son Pharez – Joseph enslaved in Egypt is falsely accused of rape and is sent to prison – Joseph does not fight the false allegations but as a child of God he trusts in God that He will deliver him from his peril
Note: God's displeasure - God is not limited to sitting idly by while mankind sins in unrestrained rebellion. 'Genesis 38:7-10 And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him. ... And the thing which he (Onan) did displeased the LORD: wherefore He slew him also.' - God's knowledge expands all generations and encompasses all possible events. God had decided not to allow the nation of Israel to expand in the direction of Er and Onan. - Also Note: It isn't only humans that are under judgment and the scrutiny of God. The unholy angels of Genesis 6 are also under judgment and are chained in captivity until the very last day of the book of Revelation. Currently mankind does have to contend with spiritual forces but not the more aggressive spirits of Genesis 6. The spirits we contend with today are for the most part the lesser spirits while the foremost evil spirits are imprisoned 'Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation (left their angel body, when they had sex with humans), He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day [Revelation time period].' until the key is given to release the spirits in the final days of the Revelation time period. -- ' Revelation 9:1-11 And the fifth angel sounded [5th trumpet judgment], and I saw a star [angel] fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. ... And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon ["place of destruction" or the realm of the dead, and is associated with Sheol -], but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.'
Genesis 40-41 – The King’s butler (cup bearer) and the Kings baker were suspected in a plot to kill the King of Egypt and were imprisoned with Joseph until the details of the plot could be sorted out – The butler and the baker each had a dream – Joseph was able to correctly interpret each of their dreams — ‘Genesis 40:8 And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it – And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you’ — Later Joseph is brought from the prison to interpret a dream for Pharaoh after correctly interpreting the dream Joseph is installed by the Pharaoh to be the second ruler over all of Egypt in order to carry out the interpretation of the dream – An Egyptian wife is chosen for Joseph and she [Asenath] bares him two sons Manasseh and Ephraim both of which will receive inheritances in Israel as Jacob awards Joseph a double portion of land in Israel with his double portion of blessings
Note: Melchizedek the Priest of the Most High God introduced bread and wine (communion) into the Bible. In keeping with Biblical consistency we now again have the bread [cross] and the wine [resurrection] in the illustration of the king's baker [bread] - and the king's butler/cup bearer [wine]. The baker as was according to his dream from God was broken, he was executed. The butler as was according to his dream, also given to him by God, was restored the third day being freed from prison he is sent into the presence of the Kingdom's King handing a cup of wine (vine) to the King. - The communion bread and the communion wine of Jesus Christ: The bread represents the body of Jesus 'broken for us' and the wine represents the life blood of Jesus in the New Eternal covenant between God and mankind. 'Matthew 26:26-28 And as they (disciples) were eating [Passover], Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is My Body. And He took the cup (grape of the vine), and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it [be connected to Jesus Christ the true Vine]; For this is My Blood [eternal Life, the eternal living covenant] of the New Testament (Covenant), which is shed for many for the remission of sins.' - Also Note: Once Benjamin [Christian Church] comes into the Kingdom presence of Joseph and meets Him face to face Joseph [Jesus] calls Benjamin 'My Son'. 'Genesis 43:29 And he [Joseph] lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin [Christian Church], his mother's (Rachael's) son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spake unto Me? And He said, God be gracious unto thee, My Son.
Genesis 42 – Joseph was about seventeen years old when his older brothers threw him down the well and when he arrived into slavery in Egypt – After 13 years of slavery and prison Joseph becomes the second ruler of Egypt – Joseph begins his ministry to Egypt at about 30 years old the same age when Jesus began His ministry in Israel – Then after seven good years and during the seven years of famine the Joseph’s ten older brothers come to Egypt on their first visit to obtain grain and unknowingly, and unable to tell, deal with their brother Joseph for their grain – Joseph takes Simeon as a prisoner/hostage to assure that the brothers will return and makes the stipulation that Simon will not be released unless the brothers return to Egypt and this time bringing with them Benjamin [Joseph’s younger brother]
Note: 'Genesis 42:17-20 And he [Joseph] put them all [twelve tribes (actually 10 of the tribes but symbolically representing 'all' 12 tribes) of Israel] together into ward [prison] three days. And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God: If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be bound [blindness in part] in the house of your prison: go ye, carry corn (grain) [the KJV Bible was translated from Hebrew OT and Greek NT into the English language in about the year 1611 in England and back then corn was a generic term for grain 'acorn', 'British corn (grain) laws' then in America with the discovery of the native maize plant, maize was renamed corn] for the famine of your houses: But bring your youngest brother [Benjamin - Christian Church] unto Me [Jesus]; so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so.' 'Romans 11:25 ... that blindness in part [a portion of Jews become Christians] is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the [Christian Church] Gentiles be come in.'
!!!Highly Recommended – Revealing God’s Treasure – Red Sea Crossing – Joseph in Egypt – Grain storage in Egypt – Moses in Egypt (YouTube)
See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. [link]
Genesis 43-45 – Joseph’s ten older brothers return to Egypt for their second visit this time bringing Benjamin with them as they were instructed by Joseph to do – Joseph invites the brothers into lunch – Benjamin [a type of the Christian Church] receives five times [five signifies grace] the helpings his brothers receive – after testing the brothers to determine their loyalty to the God of Israel and their acceptance of Benjamin [Joseph’s younger brother] – Joseph reveals himself to his brothers as the brother they had rejected so many years before – Joseph a child of God reveals that the providence of God has sent him to Egypt and not the cunning of man — ‘Genesis 45:5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life’ – God as always is the God of Life and that ‘more abundantly’ – ‘John 10:10 I am (Jesus) come that they (mankind) might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly’
Joseph seats his brothers at the table in the order of their age, no small task since the eleven brothers were born to one father with four different mothers. He is trying to give the impression that he knows divination or a type of magic in order to know intimate details about their lives. Joseph wants to know if the brothers are going to seek divination from him a perceived Egyptian or if they are going to remain loyal to the God of Israel. The brothers do not ask for information about their lives or their futures and remain loyal to the God of Israel. Then Joseph tests the brothers concerning their intentions towards his younger brother Benjamin. Joseph is concerned that if Benjamin were to receive a larger inheritance from their father Jacob and the older brothers object again then it might be Benjamin who finds himself at the bottom of a well. Joseph in testing the brothers about Benjamin is also testing them in their love for their father Jacob because Jacob had stated that if he lost Benjamin after losing Joseph ' then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave'. The brothers completely pass the test offering to substitute themselves for Benjamin in order that Benjamin might go free and return to their father back in Canaan. After the testings Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and emphasizes that it has been God's plan to send Joseph ahead to Egypt to save their lives from the coming famine and the lives of others. -- 'Genesis 45:3-8 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence. And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life. For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.' -- Also Note: 'Genesis 43:34 And he [Joseph] took and sent messes [table settings] unto them from before him: but Benjamin's mess [dinner] was five [Benjamin as the Christian Church receives the five signifying grace/individuality] times so much as any of theirs [the Children of Jacob receive the single portion of the law/conformity]. And they drank, and were merry with him.' 'Genesis 45:22 To all of them [children of Jacob - law/conformity] he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five [Christian Church - grace/individuality] changes of raiment.'
Genesis 46-48 – Jacob (130 years old) at the instruction of God, Jacob having inquired at Bethel – moves the entire family ‘seventy souls in all’ to temporarily sojourn in Egypt – In Egypt the children of God become enslaved and are unable to return to their homeland in Canaan – In Egypt Jacob blesses Joseph and Jacob adopts Joseph’s first two male children to become his sons so that they can receive an equal inheritance in the promise land with their uncles as all the sons of Jacob each received the adoption of sons and receive an inheritance in the promise land
Note: Jacob meets pharaoh the King of Egypt and Jacob blesses him. Jacob declares his life to have been long and hard, 'Genesis 47:7-9 And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been' in all that Jacob had accomplished in God Jacob was still never able to enter into the rest and glorification that his son Joseph was able to enter into with God. - Also Note: Once in Egypt the children of God were set apart from the Egyptians and were looked down upon by the Egyptians from the start. At this time the children of God are under Covenants with God but they are not yet directly under the law of God as they would become later with Moses (the law giver). The persecutions, separations, hardships, wanderings and sufferings of the children of God are acting as a law unto themselves keeping the children of God separate from the world and the evil ways of the world and gathered together unto God. Without the difficulties the children of God would have become as the children of Sodom had become as the children of God demonstrated immediately after departing the hardships of Egypt and entering the freedom of the desert where they immediately begin to act as the Egyptians had acted and didn't act the way God intended for them to act so therefore immediately in the desert God had to Give Moses the Ten Commandments and the rest of the law so the children of God in their newfound freedom and leisure would know how to properly serve and worship God. - Also note: The famine that shocked the economy of the great nation of Egypt and turned Egypt from a stable middleclass nation to a peasant ownerless nation was a series of events that Egypt remains under even to this day as Egypt remains for the most part a peasant nation. When there are disruptions in the economy and in the food supply in particular and whether the disruption occurs naturally, is man induced or is even is fictitious in stature the result is the middle class is going to have to surrender their possessions and the governing officials will have the option of acquiring the belongings.
Genesis 49-50 – Jacob giving his last words in faith while worshiping and leaning on his staff shares God’s blessings with each of his sons – Joseph inquires permission to bury Jacob back in Canaan – Joseph was unable to ask Pharaoh directly for the permission but had to request it from the ‘house of Pharaoh’ indicating that already another Pharaoh had become the King of Egypt – The Bible begins in the Garden of Eden with man walking in fellowshipping with God and now here in the ending of the book of Genesis mankind is separated from God, enslaved and ‘put in a coffin in Egypt’ – Next in the book of Exodus (the way out, lit. out of path) we will find the way out of the hard slavery and bondage of this world and back into the fellowship and a relationship with God
Note: Jacob just before his death blesses his sons in faith -- Hebrews 11:21 By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, [standing up - resurrected] leaning upon the top of his staff.' -- Also Note: The blessing of Judah [the line of Jesus Christ]. 'Genesis 49:8 Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down [worship] before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey [death, crucifixion], my son, thou art gone up [resurrection, heavenly presence]: he stooped down [(Messiah) Jesus came as a man], he couched [submitted to God] as a lion, and as an old [eternal] lion; who shall rouse him up? The sceptre [the King's authority] shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver (government) from between his feet, until Shiloh (Messiah) come; and unto him (Messiah) shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal [Christian Church] unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine [New Covenant]; he washed his garments in wine [Holy Spirit], and his clothes in the blood [New Covenant blood] of grapes: His eyes shall be red with wine [seeing in the spirit], and his teeth white with milk [the milk of the Word of God].- Also Note: Joseph reiterates that God has allowed all of the events and has worked all of the events to become good and sustainable for all of God's children. -- Genesis 50:20-21 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.' - Lastly the book of Genesis (beginnings) ends with 'Genesis 50:25 And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence. So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.'