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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
March 20th, 2023 - The 3 Holy Feast Seasons
March 20th, 2023 - Revelation 13
March 20th, 2023 - Lost in the 7 Gentile Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023 - The 8 Biblical Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023
Background of the Song of Solomon – The book is an oriental [Jewish] love song between King Solomon and the Shulamite woman – Both Jews and Christians have put forth the idea that the book is an allegory about God’s love for Israel [and] or the Church Interpretation: Students of the Song of Solomon differ…
Introduction: The Book of Isaiah – The Book of Isaiah is often considered the High Holy Book of the Old Testament – The Prophecy [Isaiah 52:13-53:12] of (Jesus Christ) the suffering servant is such an intimate look into the Soul of Jesus Christ that it is called the Holy of Holies of the Old Testament…
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah: Jeremiah was a part of the ‘middle period’ prophets and saw the destruction of Jerusalem, the destruction of King Solomon’s Temple and many of his fellow Jewish countrymen taken away captive to the distant nation of Babylon – As a result of all the grief and hardship that Jeremiah… Lamentations – [The Lamentations of Jeremiah – “Lamentations was originally part of the Book of Jeremiah. It was later isolated because it was read publically at one of the Feats of Israel and included in the five Megilloth (or scrolls; see introduction to the Book of Ruth – The Book of Ruth was originally…
An Introduction to the Book of Ezekiel – In Hebrew: the book is titled ‘laqzhy’ meaning God strengthens – In Greek: the book is titled ‘IESEKIHL’ the Hebrew is simply transliterated [sounded out letter for letter] – DATE: 593/2 to 562 B.C. Ezekiel’s prophecies seem to be dated around the exile of king Jehoiachin (597…
Introduction: The Book of Daniel – The Prophet Daniel [from the Tribe of Judah] is the Old Testament counterpart to the New Testament “beloved” Disciple John – The prophet Daniel is the only person in the Old Testament to be directly called “beloved” Daniel is called “greatly beloved” three times – At a young age…
Hosea 1-3 – Hosea is a prophet primarily to the Northern Israel Kingdom – Hosea will prophesy until the captivity of the Northern Kingdom by Assyria – The ministry of Hosea will be very similar to the later ministry of Jeremiah when 100 years later the Southern Kingdom of Judah is taken into captivity by… The Book of Joel is part of the Hebrew Bible – Joel is part of a group of twelve prophetic books known as the Minor Prophets or simply as The Twelve; the *distinction ‘minor’ indicates the short length of the text in relation to the larger prophetic texts [Isaiah, Jeremiah, The Lamentations of Jeremiah,…
Amos 1-3 – Amos is one of the early prophets of Israel his ministry was attempting to deal with the divided Israel and Judah as one Nation reminding them that they are both a part of the same plans of God — ‘Amos 1:1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa…
THE MINOR PROPHETS – The Book of Obadiah – The name Obadiah means “Servant of Yahweh” literally “One who serves or worships Jehovah” – This prophecy has the distinction of being the shortest book in the O.T. PERSONAL BACKGROUND: The name Obadiah means “Servant of Yahweh” (literally — “One who serves or worships Jehovah”). This…