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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
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March 20th, 2023
Bride will be Raptured during a Feast of Trumpets “Rosh Hashanah” by Mark Biltz
Evangelical Christianity Explained
I have recently been studying early-church history including Roman Emperors, Crusaders, Nights Templers and Spanish Conquistadors. Much of what these groups were doing and attempting to do was.
1. Going to Jerusalem attempting to find traditional Christianity [though they often were looking for an artifacts based Christianity]
2. Taking that Jerusalem based original Christianity out into the world
This video is a good summary of where modern Christianity should be though granted there are several nuances where the video is wrong i.e. teaching only 7 Feast Days when in actuality there are the 8 Biblical Leviticus chapter 23 Feast Days starting with the often left out “Sabbath Feast Day” (the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem often taught as Palm Sunday but is actually a Saturday Sabbath event in the Bible).
Leaving out the unauthenticated artifacts of times past and instead focusing on the correct Acts 2:1 “one accord” Jerusalem schedule is a desired and reasonable place for the modern Christian.
Actually if we neglect the ancient teachings and timelines of the Bible then we are mostly left with modern interpretations of what someone thinks the Bible should say.
One of the safest and best ways to understand the Bible is to do it in the original timeline and context of the ancient Feast Days of Israel.
The “Millennial Rein” of Jesus Christ
The coming Jerusalem centered Kingdom on Earth of Jesus Christ
The Four Dispensations of The Bible’s New Testament
In the Apostle Paul’s trip to Rome [recorded in the Bible’s Book of Acts by the early Church Historian Luke] are some of the most codded and cryptic passages of the Bible’s New Testament. Was Luke aided by the Apostle Paul, putting forth the future of the Church Era and an End Time scenario that Christians could glean from to understand events both current and future?
Summary: The Apostle Paul’s Journey to Rome – The Four Dispensations of the Times since the 1st Coming of Jesus Christ seem to have been mapped out and enacted throughout Paul’s Journey to Rome.
1. The Apostles Dispensation (Acts 27:1-5)
2. The Common Christian Church Age (Acts 27:6-44)
3. The Martyred Saints of Revelation Tribulation (Acts 28:1-15)
4. The 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ on earth (Acts 28:16-31)
Source: The Common Christian Community Daily Devotional – May 26
Recap: the slight problem with the teaching in the video is that the teacher Mark Biltz is using the traditions of men to interpret the Bible instead of using the Bible to interpret the Bible. For example it is the tradition of men that there are only seven Feast Days yet the Bible in Leviticus chapter 23 commands eight Feast Days. As Christians it’s imperative that we have an accurate Biblical message derived from the Bible (usually the reliable KJV) and not just the constant parroting of slightly inaccurate teachings that the Christian Church has become mired in.
The reason there is a slight problem with this type of biblical teaching is that it is not an accurately reliable Evangelical teaching. The term Evangelical Christianity has a dual meaning it means to read and interpret the Bible in a literal way and then “Euangelion” or “Good News” to focus and emphasize on the” Good News” the “Goodness of God” from the Bible. This particular teaching in effect falls short of Evangelical Christianity in that doesn’t quote the Bible at least not the relevant Leviticus chapter 23 and also it more subtle neglects the “Good News” of the Sabbath Rest in God for mankind of the first Feast Day.
David Anson Brown