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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
March 20th, 2023 - The 3 Holy Feast Seasons
March 20th, 2023 - Revelation 13
March 20th, 2023 - Lost in the 7 Gentile Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023 - The 8 Biblical Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023
Amos 1-3 – Amos is one of the early prophets of Israel his ministry was attempting to deal with the divided Israel and Judah as one Nation reminding them that they are both a part of the same plans of God — ‘Amos 1:1 The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa…
THE MINOR PROPHETS – The Book of Obadiah – The name Obadiah means “Servant of Yahweh” literally “One who serves or worships Jehovah” – This prophecy has the distinction of being the shortest book in the O.T. PERSONAL BACKGROUND: The name Obadiah means “Servant of Yahweh” (literally — “One who serves or worships Jehovah”). This…
Jonah 1 – Jonah a Jewish Prophet is called by God to go prophecy to the Gentiles in Nineveh the capital of Assyria [modern Mosul, Northern Iraq] — ‘Jonah 1:1-2 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it;…
Introduction to the Book of Micah: “Micah the Morasthite” – Morasthite is thought to be a village near Nazareth – Jonah a fellow ‘early prophet’ is also a “Galilean” from the Nazareth area village of Gath-hepher – Micah is a contemporary in Jerusalem with the prophets Isaiah and Nahum – As a part of the…
The Book of Nahum – Nahum stands in contrast [completion] to the book of Jonah [Nahum is Jonah II], [Jonah] which depicts at an earlier time, Yahweh’s [God’s] concern for even His [Israel’s] bitterest enemy, Assyria – But now [a generation after Jonah] Assyria’s sin has “reached its full measure” (Genesis 15:16) – The book… The Book of Habakkuk – The Book of Habakkuk is the eighth book of the 12 minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible – It is attributed to the prophet Habakkuk and was probably composed in the late 7th century BCE (606 B.C.) – A copy of chapters 1 and 2 (of 3) is included…
Book of Zephaniah: Historical Overview – Zephaniah calls God’s people to repentance and hope – Will you? Will I respond? Historical Introduction: Zephaniah the prophet prophesied during the reign of King Josiah who ascended his throne in 639 BC. at the age of eight years-old (2 Chronicles 34-35). The book of Zephaniah was written before…
Walking Thru The Bible – HAGGAI, ZECHARIAH and MALACHI – These last three Prophets [and probably the Prophet Joel] in the Old Testament are from the period following the Babylonian captivity which we often call the “Restoration Period” or post-exilic period – The common message of these Prophets was: return to the right ways of…
The Book of Zechariah – The historical background of Zechariah’s prophecy is the same as that of Haggai, both seers [Prophets – ‘seer’ is a reference to ancient Israel when God led them out of Egypt and into the Promise Land the people could “see” God in their midst i.e. the pillar of fire by…
Book of Malachi – As the final Book of the Old Testament closes, the pronouncement of God’s just and the promise of His restoration through the coming Messiah is ringing in the ears of the Israelites – Four hundred years of [Scriptural] silence ensues [the 400 years are very active years, i.e. the Kingdoms of…