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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
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March 20th, 2023
Currently the Basic Christian Ministry is continuing to do more of the work offline, in improving and upgrading the existing ministry resources and files.
Many of the files have been updated and improved but all could use some more improvement though it’s uncertain just how much more each project will be improved.
The best plan would be to improve the resources to the point of re-launching the website but in all probability updates to that website will probably be suspended while another website probably the website would become the new active ministry website.
Following are links to many of the updated and improved resource files.
The Basic Christian Essentials file contains all of the following individual files.
The Headings Bible (KJV) project has been completed and is available in PDF, Docx, Epub and Mobi. is the complete Basic Christian website [un-compiled – multiple files] for easy offline access and use. — Once downloaded and unzipped select either index.html or !start_index.html and the complete website will be available offline.
The resource Basic_Christian.chm is the complete website resource file complied [into one file] in the Microsoft Help file format. — It might be one of the best, easiest and most complete Basic Christian resources available.
Note: help files downloaded from the internet usually need to be enabled once downloaded. After downloading the file “Right Click” select “Properties” then select “Unblock” then “Ok”.
The Jesus Realm blog (PDF)
Wiki-BasicChristian (PDF)
Basic Christian (PDF)
Basic Christian Essentials
God bless everyone!
David Anson Brown