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- Evangelical Holy Feast Schedule 2023
March 20th, 2023 - The 3 Holy Feast Seasons
March 20th, 2023 - Revelation 13
March 20th, 2023 - Lost in the 7 Gentile Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023 - The 8 Biblical Kingdoms
March 20th, 2023
Equipping the Saints 2013 Video: The Jesus Film (Mp4), Original Version (MS – ASF) – Campus Crusade for Christ – Audio only (Mp3) Video: More Than a Carpenter (Mp4) – Josh McDowell Ministries – Audio only (Mp3) Note: The video picture stops for about 1 minute from about 50:05-51:00 while the audio continues then both…
Reblogged from: Basic Christian Wiki – Church Scandals Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, IL Moody Bible Radio interview of James MacDonald James MacDonald, the Elephant Room, and the “Spinning” of the Truth Earlier this week, Chris Fabry of Moody Bible Radio, hosted an interview with Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel. Given all of the…
Basic Christian: Common Christian Confession of Faith – (2012) Westminster Confession of Faith – (1646) CHAPTER I Of the Holy Scripture I. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence, do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men inexcusable; yet are they not sufficient…
The Eight Old Testament Holy Feasts of Leviticus Chapter 23 Holy Convocations, A Statute Forever, All Generations Schedule of The Lord’s 8 Holy Feast Days — Spring Feasts: Holy Week is comprised of the four Salvation Feasts {Sabbath (Rest), The Lord’s Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits (Easter)} — Pentecost [Acts 2:1] is the Middle Feast:…
10th Anniversary Repost Jesus Walk Easter Devotional – Leadership Articles 2004 by David Anson Brown Church Leadership Article #1 April 4, 2004 The Passion of Leadership (part 1 of 5) by David Anson Brown Luke 12:49,50 I (Jesus) am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?…
Summary: The Apostle Paul’s Journey to Rome – The Four Dispensations of the Times since the 1st Coming of Jesus Christ seem to have been mapped out and enacted throughout Paul’s Journey to Rome — 1. The Apostles Dispensation (Acts 27:1-5) — 2. The Common Christian Church Age (Acts 27:6-44) — 3. The Martyred Saints…
Note: after Resurrection Sunday (the birth of the Christian Church – Feast of Firstfruits – aka Easter Sunday to Gentiles) we are going to do another countdown here at this time to countdown to the yearly Feast of Pentecost [May 19, 2013] so people can see that Pentecost (a growth/harvest Sanctification Feast) comes almost…
Starting Friday March 22nd 2013 until — Easter Sunday March 31st 2013 Holy Week (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Devotional is located here
During the coming year 2013 the Basic Christian/Jesus Realm Ministry is going to transition from the Basic Christian material and website to the new website The ministry is going to try to accomplish the following 3 objectives Write a Jesus Realm Devotional regarding the Kingdom of Jesus Christ that will eventually be published as…