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Countdown to Pentecost 2013 and the Extra Days needed after Holy Week until John MacArthur’s Calvinistic teachings provide for individual Salvation and the Start of the Christian Church
Reminder: after Holy Week’s Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday – the start of the Christian Church) we are going to do another countdown here at this time to countdown the additional 49 days after the Resurrection (the start of the Christian Church) until Pentecost Sunday. The extra days believed necessary by some in order to wrongly facilitate a Pentecost start of the Christian Church instead of the actual Holy Week start of the Christian Church.
Note: (Leviticus 23:15,16) the Jewish Feast Day of Pentecost [50] is fifty days [7 Sabbaths (Saturdays) and then the next day Sunday] from the Sabbath Day (Saturday) during the Lord’s Passover. The Pentecost [Acts 2] that the Christian Church is remembering is always 49 days [7 Sundays] from Resurrection Sunday [Easter Sunday]. Since the yearly Jewish Passover is on a different day each year and the Christian Church is remembering the Jerusalem Passover of Jesus [the yearly remembrance of the days of Christian Holy Week is calculated slightly different than the ongoing days of the Jewish Passover Week] the two yearly Jewish and Christian holidays do not always match-up on the calendar as the same day.
The doctrines of Calvinism in neglecting the Events of the Christian Holy Week the doctrines of Calvinism do not have in them the foundation of being ‘Redeemed’ by the blood of the cross of Jesus Christ and ‘Saved’ into the one True Resurrection of Jesus Christ but instead by the doctrines of Calvinism a person is not necessarily ‘Redeemed’ or ‘Saved’ by the Holy Week Ministry of Jesus Christ but instead a person is merely nebulously ‘Chosen’ via some form of ‘Election’ that is built and affirmed upon the assumptions, presuppositions and confirmations of man not as a result of the confirming presence of the Holy Spirit. Calvinistic doctrine wrongfully negates the works and ministry of Jesus Christ during Holy Week and exchanges the sure Foundation of the Christian Faith derived from the Holy Week events of Jesus Christ for a man centered gospel message of ‘chosen’ and ‘elect’.
John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11) prophesied that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would be the one to continually “baptize” people with the Holy Spirit unto eternal Salvation not a solo working of the Holy Spirit Baptizing alone (the empowerment) as is recorded in Acts chapter 2. Jesus Christ being both the ‘Beginning’ Alpha by Baptizing His followers starting in the Upper Room (John 20:22) and continuing to Baptize His disciples throughout the entire Christian Church Era then ‘Ending’ Omega by Jesus Himself eventually calling and meeting (Acts 1:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:14) His ‘Bride’ of ‘Baptized’ followers in the clouds and bringing His Bride into Heaven.
David Anson Brown
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