The Antichrist’s 25 Committee Members become the 10 Kings of Revelation 17:12 Historically 25 Members is the Number of a Select Oversight Committee The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) by J. R. R. Tolkien is structured loosely on various 25 member hierarchies i.e. 1 Sauron (imortal spirit), 7 Kings (crowns), 5 Wizards (rods), 3 Ring…
Encompasing all Physical and Spiritual Life The 7 physical and spiritual realms as unfolded in the 7 Days of the Genesis creation model – the 8th realm being God’s realm of unrestricted eternity ∞ “Genesis 2:4 These are the generations [dimensions] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day…
The 7 Global Gentile Kingdoms of Revelation 17:10 • 1st Kingdom Nimrod -Tower “Temple” of Babel in Shinar And the beginning of his ‘Antichrist’ (1st of 7) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. ~ Genesis 10:10 • 2nd Kingdom Pharaoh King Akhenaten of Egypt … and the…
“Knowledge will increase” is a phrase from the Bible, Daniel 12:4 ~ AI Overview In the beginning of the Bible the Patriarch Abraham had a limited knowledge of who the Lord God is. At Mamre Abraham offered the visiting Jesus Christ and the two accomping Angels the Three Measures of the Fellowship Offering. ~ Genesis 18:6…
Regarding the Church Counciles and Church Creeds i.e. the Council of Chalcedon 451AD and the earlier Athanasian Creed. Both the Church counciles and the Church creeds [also the Reign of Emperor Charlemagne] would consider the new modern Feast day interpretation an error by the combining of Holy Week (Jesus Christ) with The Feast of Pentecost…
During the future reign of the Antichrist on earth and the strong delusion that accompanies the Antichrist it is considered that the Antichrist will drastically alter and change perceptions of reality, modify the environment change times and seasons remove traditions, combine the fallen spiritual realm/dimensions (Mystery Babylon) with the physical realms/dimensions of humans on earth…
The False Prophet – Two Horns – Two Office Holders i.e. Annas & Caiaphas And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. ~ Revelation 13:11 Annas & Caiaphas were the two horns of the Old Testament Caiaphas even…
White Horse Rider (Castor & Pollux – Acts 28:11-14) – Antichrist i.e. Occult Hidden and Manifested – Biblical example Emperor Caligula Red Horse (Mars) – War i.e. Conflicts of all kinds Black Horse (Venus) – Deception i.e. Politics Pale Green Horse (Moon – death is nearby) – Synergy of Death + False Religions and Mystery…
Separation will be Soon and Sudden | The Church Rapture is at the Door Wonders in Heaven Prove The Bible, 2024 Rapture and Judgment Basics of the 3 Rapture/Harvests About to Take Place
What is Mystery Babylon the Great? | The Rise and Continuation of the City-State ‘Satanic’ System The Roman Catholic Church | A component of the Whore of BabylonSystem | Part 1 – Sound Biblical Doctrine – Study 8 Babylon The Roman Catholic Church | A component of the Whore of Babylon System | Part 2…