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August 15th, 2024
Note: the Basic Christian Ministry follows and instructs in the Historical Biblical Christian pattern – following the actual Divine and human events that Christianity is a direct product of i.e. creation, original sin, Heaven, hell, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the earthly Ministry of Jesus, the Holy Week events and ministry of Jesus, imputed righteousness, the eternal resurrection, the historic Apostolic Church age, the current Common Christian Church Age, the Millennial Age to come, and the many other human and Divine events that have already happened or are yet to unfold among mankind.
While the more modern Reformed i.e. Calvinistic traditions, doctrines and teachings are not so much derived from either historical or future events but are more derived from presuppositional teachings, meaning that if a well-known person i.e. John Calvin or almost anyone with a Dr. in their title makes a statement then that statement becomes a kind of presupposed fact a fact that the general Christian Church at large is now supposed to universally accept as a biblical doctrinal truth even though that doctrine didn’t emerge from historical events or even from well contemplated Biblical passages but merely as a preference of certain people that once united in groupthink becomes a de facto Church doctrine.
Concluding: there is a vast difference between the historic Church with the Biblical doctrines of the true historic Biblical Church and what is being taught and passed along today in the modern opinion induced church.
David Anson Brown
Source: The Jesus Realm PDF