Coming Antichrist 25 Member Committee

The Antichrist’s 25 Committee Members become the 10 Kings of Revelation 17:12

Historically 25 Members is the Number of a Select Oversight Committee

The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) by J. R. R. Tolkien is structured loosely on various 25 member hierarchies i.e. 1 Sauron (imortal spirit), 7 Kings (crowns), 5 Wizards (rods), 3 Ring Keepers (rings), 9 Nazgul (black horse riders) great men in their day, who were ensnared by Sauron – LOTR

The Most Noble Order of the Garter is an Order of Chivalry founded by Edward III of England in 1348 A.D. … Membership of the Order is limited to the Sovereign (King of England), the Prince of Wales, and no more than 24 living members, or Companions. – Wikipedia

King Arthur is typically associated with having 25 knights at his Round Table; however, the exact number of knights varies depending on the Arthurian legend being told … – AI

A New World Government led by the Antichrist could be voted in by a committee of approximately 25 members.

For Example;

Oversight Committee: 1 or 2 or more non-voting seats (two horns) The Vatican (Pope) & Anglican (Archbishop) to confirm the election and crown the Antichrist Leader

Candidates: 2 Members (unable to vote) running for election as the Antichrist Ruler

25 – 1 Ruler (empty seat) – 2 Candidates = 22 Voting Members (Conclave)

For instance Saudi Arabia is running against England to Rule the Committee that rules the world

Saudi Arabia has financed 12 of the votes
England has a firm 10 votes

In order for England to win outright 3 of the Saudi Arabia votes would need to be removed (plucked up – Daniel 7:7-8) for example 1 health reason, 1 financial reason, 1 morality reason

12 – 3 = 9 votes
England would gain the Global Throne 10 votes to 9 votes

The 3 removed votes for various reasons would seem acceptable and the oversight Committee would certify the election results.

The Pope and Archbishop would preside in a cerimony to crown the new Antichrist Global King Ruler.

By David Anson Brown