June – Christian Daily Devotional

June – The Christian Church, Watering June 1 Late Antiquity and Middle Ages Late Antiquity Through the Middle Ages of the Christian Church Era For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If all of you have heard of the dispensation (stewardship) of the Grace of God which is given…

July – Christian Daily Devotional

July – The Christian Church, Growth July 1 John Wycliffe – The Morning Star of the Reformation John Wycliffe (1320 – December 1384 AD) “The Morning Star of the Reformation” John Wycliffe was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England, who was known as an early…

August – Christian Daily Devotional

August – The Christian Church, Modern History August 1 Jamestown Colony Jamestown, Virginia the First Permanent English Settlement in America 1607 AD Jamestown was a settlement in the Colony of Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. Established by the Virginia Company of London as “James Fort” on May 24, 1607 (O.S., May…

September – Christian Daily Devotional

September – Theology part 1 September 1 Theology Basic Christian: Theology Studying Theology Theology is like piecing together a puzzle. Individual Theology pieces fit together and the picture begins to emerge. The picture Theology displays is the image of Jesus Christ! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the…

October – Christian Daily Devotional

October – Theology part 2 October 1 Confession Confession means to have the same thoughts, same reason and the same speech as God Homologomenos (G3670) Homou – same, place or time, together; Logos – words, reason, thoughts spoken Verses – Daniel 9:20; Romans 10:9-10 14:11; 1 Timothy 6:13; 1 John 1:9 4:2-3; Revelation 3:5 First…

November – Christian Daily Devotional

November – The Christian Church, Harvest November 1 The 7 Churches Introduction: The 7 Church Letters of Revelation from Jesus Christ There is a structure and a teaching style that is employed throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments revealing that although written over time and by several different people the Bible…

December – Christian Daily Devotional

December – Eternal December 1 Fall Feasts Introduction: The Fall Feasts of Israel The 3 Feast Groups of Israel The Holy Feast cycle is completed in the Fall with the Redemptive Fall Feasts. The three Biblical (Leviticus 23) Feast groups are the Spring (Passover) ‘Justifying’ Feasts (Romans 3:24-25, Colossians 1:20) that bring us sinners into…

The Lord’s Prayer

Updates: January 1, 2018 The Lord’s Prayer Jesus said “After this manner therefore pray all of you: Our Father which are in Heaven, Hallowed (Holy) be your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts (sins),…

The 7 Church Letters of Revelation

Updates: December 30, 2017 The Primary Ages of the 7 Church Letters of Revelation from Jesus Christ 1. The Church at Ephesus — The teaching instructing Church – The Apostles and their disciples including Justin Martyr, etc. 2. The Church at Smyrna — The martyred persecuted Church – Polycarp the Bishop of Smyrna, Perpetua and…

Early Church – Ambrose

Updates: August 20, 2017 Saint Ambrose, Saint Monica and Saint AugustineSaint Ambrose is interesting because much of what Ambrose wrote in his letters probably didn’t originate with Ambrose himself [though Ambrose certainly agreed with everything he wrote] but instead came from previous Bishops and Pastors who had their libraries and documents transferred to Milan where…