Celebrating 5 Years – blog Bible Study

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Basic Christian – Full Content

Celebrating 5 Years – Basic Christian: blog Bible Study

PDF blog Bible Study 2009 – 2010
PDF blog History Study 2010 – 2012

In the later summer it will have been five years since the 2009 start of the very popular Basic Christian: blog Bible Study. Surprisingly the Old Testament portion has always been the more popular part of the study by about a 4 to 1 margin. Even while I was blogging the New Testament portions the majority of readers were still reading in the Old Testament postings, for a while I though people were just behind and catching up but the 4 to 1 margin remains even today.

Recently I read a couple of different blogs stating that many churches have simply given up and are no longer teaching about the Old Testament, if they ever did in the first place. It would seem to explain the popularity of the Old Testament part of the Basic Christian: blog Bible Study. I of course recommend the entire study both the New Testament and the Old Testament.

Remembering back on the study and all of the long hours of preparation, anticipation and the excitement of actually blogging the entire Bible it remains one of the most satisfying and accomplished times of my life.

God bless everyone,
David Anson Brown