Antichrist Will Alter Reality

During the future reign of the Antichrist on earth and the strong delusion that accompanies the Antichrist it is considered that the Antichrist will drastically alter and change perceptions of reality, modify the environment change times and seasons remove traditions, combine the fallen spiritual realm/dimensions (Mystery Babylon) with the physical realms/dimensions of humans on earth and even blend (mingle) the realms between the living and the dead causing the dead to rise and reappear visibly on earth.

A temporary resurrection of the unsaved dead on the earth by the Antichrist. An incomplete 6th day of creation the Antichrist”s (666) false resurrection.

For, behold, the LORD comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. ~ Isaiah 26:21

The Christian Church the Bride of Jesus Christ, the just and righteous of God the Father will participate in the higher realm/dimension resurrection of the saved, living the 7th day of creation rest and restoration provided by the eternal Kingdom (888) of Jesus Christ.

The rapture [i.e. Feast of Trumpets] of the Christian  Church the Bride of Jesus Christ is a calling an invitation and an open door entrance (Revelation 4:1) for the Christian Church to enter into the better and higher 7th realm/dimension of eternal Sabbath Rest. The resurrection into Heaven of the Daints and into the eternal presence of God.

by David Anson Brown

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